An annual walk in north-west England to commemorate the Viking heritage of the area and the life of Norway's patron saint. The link takes you to the article about it in The Norseman magazine
This sign refers to the early twelfth century Earl of Orkney, Magnus Erlendsson, who was martyred in 1115 according to Orkneyinga saga. Many streets in central Lerwick are named after Scandinavian Kings, Queens and Saints, particularly from the…
Magnus Erlendsson (later Saint Magnus) ruled Orkney and Shetland from c. 1106 to 1115. The Cathedral in Kirkwall was dedicated to him after his death at the hands of Hákon Pálsson.
St Magnus Church, founded at the site of the killing of Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney by an axe-blow to the head in ca. 1116 at the orders of his cousin Hákon Pálsson. This episode, referred to in Orkneyinga saga, is possibly corroborated…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
Saint Edmund Memorial Coinage, produced in East Anglia 896-910 by the East-Anglian Vikings, and imitating coins produced during Edmund's reign. HCR7805 and HCR7803
Spielzeugmanufaktur is a German toy company that makes weapons and costumes for children - one of their ranges is Viking, including swords, helmets, shields and accessories, of varying historical authenticity.
Spear head (Viking-Age) in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this item forthcoming.