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An activity from DLTK's Crafts for Kids, which features many downloadable activities for children. To download the template, click here

Replica of the Fröjel brooch (Photo: Mikael Lindmark)
A database of Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian female personal ornaments in England. This research forms the basis of the book 'Viking Identities: Scandinavian Jewellery in England.'

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A map that has been tagged with historical events and mentions, including events from the sagas

A large cross-shaped brooch from Tveitene in Larvik and a smaller one from Kongsteigen in Stokke.

An image of the interior of the reconstructed church (or chapel) known as Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

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Michael 123 is a stone cross fragment in Kirk Michael on the Isle of Man. It depicts a woman in a trailing dress with a staff in her hand on the upper part. The lower part depicts a tethered, saddled horse. The side of the cross includes a runic…

Instructions for how to make a Viking longship from cardboard.

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A short essay about the Vikings with a focus on the education of young people. This site propagates several misconceptions about the Vikings.

Course note for a course about the Vikings from The Danish Club of St Louis

RMVA 2014 Syllabus (UPDATE-1).pdf
This is the syllabus for a course on pre-Christian religion/s in the Viking Age, which I taught in the spring of 2014. It was part of a two-semester 'valgfag' programme at Aarhus University titled "Viking Studies", so the students (drawn from a range…

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A copy of a Viking-Age silver pendant excavated at Ribe, and interpreted as representing Odin. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Copy of Hørningstenen runestone at Vikingemuseet (Viking Museum) Århus Denmark Original at Moesgård Museum Århus Original discovered 1849 by a farmer on his land between Jelling…

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A T-Shirt design featuring a skull with horned helmet, under the label 'Copenhagen'. Seen in Copenhagen airport.

Cooking utensils from the Oseberg ship burial. These include an iron cauldron with tripod, pot stirrers, a frying pan, a knife and a bowl.

A blog post about Old Norse greetings and small talk.
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