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Surtsey is an island that was formed during an eruption in 1963-67. It was named Surtsey (Surt's Island) after the fire giant (or jötunn) Surtr, who will engulf the world with his flaming sword at Ragnarök.

Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…

Via Wikimedia Commons: Recoloured crop of larger painting showing a romanticised view of the 11th century Althing (Viking parliament) in session. More information at

This video is about Jesse Byock's interdisciplinary research in Iceland. The material discuss the use of sagas, history and archaeology in the Mosfell Valley in Iceland. The Mosfell Archaeological Project is an international…

A short video about the Vikings

Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…

Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930.

Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930.

A blog post about Old Norse greetings and small talk.

Altar frontal illustrated with scenes from Óláfs saga helga, written in 1320-30 about the Norwegian King St. Olaf, (1015 to 1028). The altar resides in the replica stave church in Heimaey, which was a gift from the Norwegian state. It was erected…

A risky bidding game for 2 to 5 daring Vikings ages 6-99. Haba - Habermaaß game nr. 4511.

Explanation of the construction of the Norwegian Stave Church and the history of Christianity in Heimaey

The replica stave church in Heimaey was a gift from the Norwegian state. It was erected in the year 2000 to commemorate 1000 years of Christianity in Iceland. The information board describes the church as a detailed replica of the Holtdalen Stave…
This is the opening poem of the Poetic Edda, chanted in a style influenced by rímur tradition by Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson, allsherjargoði (very roughly translated as "high priest") of Iceland's Ásatrúarfélagið (Æsir Faith Fellowship) from…
Völuspá is one of the most important poems in the Poetic Edda, and the most well-known account of the beginning and end of the world (Ragnarok) in Norse myth.

Dr. Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda presents this critical source of…

A statue standing outside the Norwegian Church in Heimaey, Westman Islands. The statue was erected in 1999 and is named Hús Guðanna, 'House of the Gods', the plural suggesting a reference to the Norse gods.
What is Old Norse? How old is it? How is it related to English and the other languages of Northern Europe?

In this first video of a planned series, Dr. Jackson Crawford (UC Berkeley) sets out what you need to know about the language in order to…
During a fishing trip in 2012, Gøran Olsen discovered something between stones at Haukeli. The find is now at the University Museum, and appeared to be a single-edged Viking sword with an estimated date in the first half of the Viking Age…

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Peel Castle in the Isle of Man was originally constructed by the Norse King Magnus Barefoot, who reigned in the eleventh century. It incorporated an earlier celtic round-tower into the defences. Several important Viking Age finds have been recovered…
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