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  • Tags: Educational Resources

Eamonn McEneaney, (Waterford Treasures Museum), ‘Bringing the Vikings to Life in the Museum Environment’. Chaired by John Sheehan. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.

Shirley McPhaul (University of Iceland), ‘Of Gods and Fictional Worlds: The Viking Age Proto-Fictional Universe in Narrative-Driven Videogames’. Chaired by Roderick Dale. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings',…

Maja Bäckvall.mp4
Maja Bäckvall (Uppsala University/University of Copenhagen) ‘Pick Up Rune: Rune Usage in Video and Computer Games’ at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016. Chaired by Roderick Dale

Recordings of the following can be accessed on this page: Vellekla Ragnarsdrápa Krákumál Egill Skallagrímsson Other texts are read as part of the lessons. Access here

Burning Desires.jpg
Course poster and essay questions for the Burning Desires course at the University of Nottingham. this exhibit gives you an idea of the coverage of the course.

2016-10-27 (3).png
Review of Anderson, S. and Swenson, K. (eds), 2002 'Cold Counsel: Women in Old Norse Literature and Mythology. A Collection of Essays' (London and New York: Routledge).

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On pp. 89-91, a review of:
Jochens, J., 1995 'Women in Old Norse Society' (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press)
Jochens, J., 1996 'Old Norse Images of Women' (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press)

2016-10-27 (1).png
A review of Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir, 2013 'Women in Old Norse Literature: Bodies, Words, and Power.' The New Middle Ages (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)

A review of Jesch, J., 1991 'Women in the Viking Age' (Woodbridge: Boydell) written by Carolyne Larrington and published in Alvismal. The link is to a pdf of the review.

006_myths of misalliance.pdf
Seminar questions about the role of misalliance in Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál and Skírnismál with specific reference to Njörðr and Freyr.

002_handout The Asian Origins of Nordic Culture.pdf
A handout for a course on Snorra Edda discussing Snorri's view that the Norse gods came from Asia.

002_class two seminar questions.pdf
Seminar questions for the second part of a course on Snorra Edda. This session focuses on the Prologue and Gylfaginning
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