Copy of Hørningstenen runestone at Vikingemuseet (Viking Museum) Århus Denmark Original at Moesgård Museum Århus Original discovered 1849 by a farmer on his land between Jelling…
A copy of a Viking-Age silver pendant excavated at Ribe, and interpreted as representing Odin. Details about the exhibition can be found at
This is the syllabus for a course on pre-Christian religion/s in the Viking Age, which I taught in the spring of 2014. It was part of a two-semester 'valgfag' programme at Aarhus University titled "Viking Studies", so the students (drawn from a range…
Michael 123 is a stone cross fragment in Kirk Michael on the Isle of Man. It depicts a woman in a trailing dress with a staff in her hand on the upper part. The lower part depicts a tethered, saddled horse. The side of the cross includes a runic…
An image of the interior of the reconstructed church (or chapel) known as Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland
A database of Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian female personal ornaments in England. This research forms the basis of the book 'Viking Identities: Scandinavian Jewellery in England.'
Dalkey island, on the southern point of Dublin Bay, carries a Norse name (dálkr-ey, dress-pin island) which was a corruption of the Irish name Delginis, or 'thorn island'). It played a role in the Dublin slave trade in the tenth century, and an…
A hand dryer in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen. The company uses a Viking warrior in the colours of the Danish flag as their logo. Naturally, the figure has a horned helmet.
The Yorkshire Museum of History includes the Danelaw Centre for Living History as part of its displays and services for schools. The museum is set up to provide a range of period-specific, hands-on activities aimed at schools.
These souvenir steins include typical images associated with the Vikings: horned helmets, weapons, viking ships, and beards! Seen in Copenhagen airport.
Statue of a Danish Viking (with horns) outside the Danish Invader pub, Empingham Road, Stamford, Lincs. Stamford was one of the five Danish burghs in the Danelaw. Danish Invader built in 1968