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Copy of Hørningstenen runestone at Vikingemuseet (Viking Museum) Århus Denmark Original at Moesgård Museum Århus Original discovered 1849 by a farmer on his land between Jelling…

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A copy of a Viking-Age silver pendant excavated at Ribe, and interpreted as representing Odin. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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This is the syllabus for a course on pre-Christian religion/s in the Viking Age, which I taught in the spring of 2014. It was part of a two-semester 'valgfag' programme at Aarhus University titled "Viking Studies", so the students (drawn from a range…

Course note for a course about the Vikings from The Danish Club of St Louis

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A short essay about the Vikings with a focus on the education of young people. This site propagates several misconceptions about the Vikings.

Instructions for how to make a Viking longship from cardboard.

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Michael 123 is a stone cross fragment in Kirk Michael on the Isle of Man. It depicts a woman in a trailing dress with a staff in her hand on the upper part. The lower part depicts a tethered, saddled horse. The side of the cross includes a runic…

An image of the interior of the reconstructed church (or chapel) known as Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

A large cross-shaped brooch from Tveitene in Larvik and a smaller one from Kongsteigen in Stokke.

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A map that has been tagged with historical events and mentions, including events from the sagas

Replica of the Fröjel brooch (Photo: Mikael Lindmark)
A database of Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian female personal ornaments in England. This research forms the basis of the book 'Viking Identities: Scandinavian Jewellery in England.'

An activity from DLTK's Crafts for Kids, which features many downloadable activities for children. To download the template, click here

Dalkey island, on the southern point of Dublin Bay, carries a Norse name (dálkr-ey, dress-pin island) which was a corruption of the Irish name Delginis, or 'thorn island'). It played a role in the Dublin slave trade in the tenth century, and an…

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A hand dryer in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen. The company uses a Viking warrior in the colours of the Danish flag as their logo. Naturally, the figure has a horned helmet.

The Yorkshire Museum of History includes the Danelaw Centre for Living History as part of its displays and services for schools. The museum is set up to provide a range of period-specific, hands-on activities aimed at schools.

Many winter swimming clubs in Denmark have a Norse theme, and those brave enough to bathe earn the title of 'viking'.

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These souvenir steins include typical images associated with the Vikings: horned helmets, weapons, viking ships, and beards! Seen in Copenhagen airport.

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Statue of a Danish Viking (with horns) outside the Danish Invader pub, Empingham Road, Stamford, Lincs. Stamford was one of the five Danish burghs in the Danelaw. Danish Invader built in 1968
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