A short extract from a performance of the Eddic poemAtlakviða (sts. 15, 16 and 18)by Hanna Marti and Benjamin Bagby of Sequentia, at the 'Old Norse Poetry in Performance' Conference in Oxford, Friday, 24 June organised byAnnemari Ferreira…
Short clip of a performance of 'Grípisspá' (Grípir's Prophecy) by the ensemble Moirai (Hanna Marti vocals, and Mara Winter, flute and vocals). Moirai, founded in Reykjavik in 2015,specializes in the music of the Early and High…
The Ravning Bridge (Danish Ravningbroen) is one of the most important archaeological sites in Denmark. It is located in the valley of the River Vejle, around 10km south of the important fortification at Jelling, crossing what is now known as Ravning…
Several of the original posts from the Ravning Bridge are displayed in the Kongernes Jelling Centre, alongside a multimedia display about the bridge itself with an artists impression of the original. The bridge, constructed in 979 or 980 lies 10km…
Heather O’Donoghue (University of Oxford), ‘“By jings, it’s a whopper!”: The One that Got Away in Old Norse Myth, the Work of Hugh MacDiarmid and Moby-Dick’. Chaired by Sarah Baccianti. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference…