From Contributor: "This is a great group of people I have the privilege of working with this summer, they are from the Tsilhqot’in Nation in western B.C. Canada, and although First Nation / Viking contact may be limited to brand logos on safety…
A print out and colour in map of the Viking World from the Layers of Learning initiative, which is a homeschool curriculum company and produces several free-to-share educational resources for children. A PDF can be downloaded at their website.
The Yggdrasil Mobility Programme is a research grant for international PhD students and young researchers to fund research stays in Norway. The programme is currently suspended.
It demonstrates the use of the World-Tree symbolism in an initiative…
This statue of a troll stands outside the visitor centre at Geysir, and is a popular place for tourists to take photos. Trolls are a supernatural being (usually antagonist) featuring in Old Norse mythology, but since adopted and adapted in a variety…
Boat names in Scandinavia often make references to the Norse past, and particularly to the seafaring culture of the Vikings. It is less common to come across boats with Viking names elsewhere - this one is registered in Elburg in the Netherlands and…
The Zetland Window depicts Haraldr Hárfagri (Harald Fairhair), first King of Norway, who conquered Shetland in around 870, and Rognvald Eysteinsson, who was offered the first Earldom of Shetland but declined in favour of his brother Sigurd. For more…
Harald Fairhair (Haraldr Hárfagri / Harald Hårfagre), who rained in Norway c. 872 to 930, and conquered Shetland around c. 870. More information at
Depiction of Harald Fairhair (Haraldr Hárfagri / Harald Hårfagre) arriving in Shetland. He rained in Norway c. 872 to 930, and conquered Shetland around c. 870. More information at
Rognvaldr, Earl of Møre and of Orkney, is said to have gifted Shetland (the Earldom of which he was offered by Harald fairhair) to his brother, Sigurd Eysteinsson (Sigurd the Mighty), who ruled c. 875–892. He is depicted here being invested with…