These tablets would have been used for tablet or card weaving. This is a technique for making narrow decorative bands of the sort that would have decorated the hems of Vikings' clothes.
Photo of a woman in traditional Norse dress outside the reconstruction of Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Franziska Mahler - Visit Greenland
Witcher III is a fantasy RPG that features Viking-style berserkers at one point. These berserkers are warriors who change into animals in battle, becoming engines of slaughter with no care for their own safety. They can only return to human form once…
A brand of sausage from Wikinger, which uses a Viking ship as its logo. This photo was submitted from Germany, but the brand also has a British market of hotdogs. The connection to the Vikings is not clear!
Wickie und die starken Männer (or Vicky the Viking) is German-Austrian-Japanese animated television series with the main character Wickie, a small Viking boy who uses his wits to help and outwit the starken Männer. This T-Shirt was photographed in…
Whithorn Priory and Museum in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, includes a small collection of Hiberno Norse Material from excavations at this important site.
Imports from Norway to Ribe during the Viking Age included grindstones and soapstone vessels. Details about the exhibition can be found at
A whalebone plaque, possibly for smoothing linen. Discovered in excavations at Cherrywood, Co. Dublin, and dating to the ninth or tenth century. Similar plaques have been discovered elsewhere in the Viking World and are associated with high-status…
This 'Welcome to Shetland' sign features a version of the Shetland coat of arms, including a Viking ship, and Shetland's motto 'Með lögum skal land byggja'. This is a normalised version of an Old Norse phrase from the Danish Jyske Lov meaning 'with…
A brief general introduction to what little we know about music in the Viking Age, including literary references, finds of instruments and some audio clips of reconstructed instruments. Includes some references for further reading.