A souvenir snow-globe with a troll drinking from a flagon and sporting a horned helmet and axe, next to a small viking ship. Seen in Copenhagen airport.
There are many ships depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry. They are Anglo-Saxon and Norman models, but they would have been of very similar construction to Scandinavian ships at this date, and we can learn a lot about the decoration of the ships from…
User submitted image of a Viking fire pit produced by the Canadian company Imagine Metal Art, which produced metal garden sculptures. For more information see their website at http://www.imaginemetalart.com/
Innocent produced a series of magnets featuring letters of the alphabet illustrated by an object or subject starting with this letter. Here we see V illustrated by Vikings, using the most well known symbolism of horned helmets, shield, axe and ship.…
Des récits palpitants qui racontent deux siècles et demi de conquêtes et d’histoire du monde sur trois continents. Écrit par Vincent Carpentier, archéologue à l’Inrap et illustré par Jeff Pourquié. Une…
Podcast from Le Salon noir, France Culture, broadcast Saturday 9 January at 19:30.
'Dans les pas des invasions vikings' (In the Footsteps of the Viking Invasions') with Vincent Carpentier, medieval archaeologist at Inrap
Project Andvari is an international collaborative project designed to create a free digital portal that will provide integrated access to collections of northern European art and artifacts of the early medieval period (4th–12th centuries).
The company website for Íslensk hollusta refers to the fact that Icelanders used Black Salt until the 15th Century, produced from burning seaweed. It is marketed as Viking Salt to tourists.