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A performance of the Eddic poem 'Skírnismál' by postgraduates of the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford, during the Old Norse Poetry in Performance (ONPIP) Conference at Somerville College, Friday 24 June. This extract is from the curse…

A performance of the Eddic poem 'Skírnismál' by postgraduates of the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford, during the Old Norse Poetry in Performance (ONPIP) Conference at Somerville College, Friday 24 June. These are the opening lines.

A Viking ship snowglobe in Vikingskipshuset

A troll and an elk in a Viking ship.

A bottle opener decorated with an image of the Oseberg ship under sail and with a handy bell to ring when you run out of drinks to open.

A set of runic bone pendants displayed on a wooden plaque that appears to be modeled on one in the National Museum of Ireland.

A World-Tree shopping bag featuring a stylised image of Yggdrasill.

Pewter Viking figurines from Vikingskipshuset in Norway. They have horned helmets and a full range of weapons.

A calendar illustrated with images of Viking Age artefacts, including the Oseberg ship.

Even soap gets the Norse god treatment! Njord was the Norse god of the sea, who was chosen as husband by Skadi. She was only allowed to view the feet of the gods when making her choice, and she thought that she was picking Baldr, when in fact it was…
Viking history to the tune of Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. We used clips from documentaries to make this one. The song is very Viking-ish anyway.

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The Battlefields Trust website provides information about the Battle of Fulford, including modern maps with conjectural battlefield deployments marked on them.

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A website with information about surveys of the area of the Battle of Fulford which immediately preceded the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

A short extract from a performance of the Eddic poemAtlakviða (sts. 15, 16 and 18)by Hanna Marti and Benjamin Bagby of Sequentia, at the 'Old Norse Poetry in Performance' Conference in Oxford, Friday, 24 June organised byAnnemari Ferreira…

The opening stanza of a performance of the Eddic poem Vǫluspá by Hanna Marti of Sequentia, at the 'Old Norse Poetry in Performance' Conference in Oxford, Friday, 24 June organised by Annemari Ferreira andBrian John McMahon. For more…

A shot glass with a Viking in a helmet on it, although the design of the helmet seems closer to one of the Swedish Vendel era helmets instead.. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.

A floating key ring shaped like the Gokstad ship under sail. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.

A pack for you to create your own Viking attack using transfers to deploy your Viking raiders. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.

A tin of mints with an image of the Oseberg ship on it. Found in Vikingskipshuset.

A wooden chest featuring the Mammen mask on it. Available in two sizes. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.
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