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Rune stone (U 236)
Rune stone fromLindö, Gullbron,Uppland (U 236).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
' ulfs arfar ' i linteu ' lata ' raisa ' þisa ' staina ' eftR ' faþur ' sin ' uk ' broþur ' uk ' bru '…
Rune stone (U 232)
Rune stone fromGällsta,Uppland (U 160).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
tosti ÷ uk ' sihus ' uk ' sihmar ' litu ' raisa ' sta-- * iftiR ÷ tuba ÷ faþur * sinTosti ok Sigfúss ok…
Rune stone (U 231)
Rune stone in Gällsta, Uppland (U 160). According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
ulfkitil * uk * kui uk + uni + þiR × litu * rhisa × stin þina * iftiR * ulf * faþur * sin * kuþan on *…
Rune stone (U 229)
Rune stone fromGällsta,Uppland (U 160).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
halfntan ÷ auk ' tubi ÷ litu ' risa ' stin ' at ' huta ' faþur ' sin ' sun * þorbiarn ÷ ybir ÷…
Rune stone (U 225)
Rune stone fromBällsta,Uppland (U 160).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... uk * arkil * uk * kui * þiR * kariþu * iar * þikstaþ ... ...unu * iki mirki * maiRi * uirþa * þan *…
Rune stone (U 165)
Rune stone from Täby tä,Uppland (U 165).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
ia[r]labaki × li- ---sa × staina × þisa × at sik × kuikuan × auk bru þis(a) [×…
Rune stone (U 164)
Rune stone fromTäby tä,Uppland (U 164).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
× iarlabaki × lit × raisa × stain × þisa × at sik × kuikuan ×× auk bru…
Rune stone (U 161)
A runestone in RisbyleAccording to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
ulfR · iuk i barstam · iftiR · ulf · i skulobri · mak · sin · kuþan · ulfkil lit akuaUlfR hiogg i…
Rune stone (U 160)
Rune stone inRisbyle,Uppland (U 160).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:ulfkitil * uk * kui uk + uni + þiR × litu * rhisa × stin þina * iftiR * ulf * faþur * sin * kuþan on * buki * i…
Rune stone (U 1181)
Rune stone from Lilla Runhällen, Råsbo, Uppland (U 1181).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...-(i) × lit × (a)kua ... ...[k × sa](l)fan × ek-...ns*fari ' a(f)i × kunu-s *...…
Rune stone (U 1175)
Rune stone fromStora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1175).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription is nonsense, and the ornamentation is a copy of U 1163.
Rune stone (U 1174)
Rune stone from Stora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1174).
According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
kun(u)-- * lit * risa * stin * þina * at * biarnkir *: sun * sin * a(k) ...(b)rn faþur sin * -u--- -----sin *…
Rune stone (U 1170)
Rune stone from Vittinge Kyrka, Uppland (U 1170).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription is a nonsense inscription.
Rune stone (U 1100)
Rune stone from Sundbro, Uppland (U 1100).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...(a) þorkir * baþ * ybiR rista r-...... Þorgeirr/Þorgerð(r) bað Œpi rista r[únar].
Rune stone (U 1098)
Rune stone from Sundbro, Uppland (U 1098).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§A [× iafurfriþ... ... ×] litu × rai(s)[a × stan + þina§B iftR × fastulf ×…
Rune stone (U 1097)
Rune stone fromSundbro,Uppland (U 1097).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
arþsten + ok + ikilef + þoruþr + [litu × ri]... ... (u)k ' ulfr[iþ] ' iftiR ' [i]hmuntr * b[onta]…
Rune stone (U 1089)
Rune stone from Marsta, Uppland (U 1089).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
uihi ' lit raisa stain eftiR inkialt ' faþur ' sin iufurfas[t ']Vígi lét reisa stein eptir Ingjald, fôður sinn.…
Rune stone (U 1077)
Rune stone from Bälinge Kyrka, Uppland (U 1077).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... ...-tiR : ref : nha bi-kumr : þoRna...... [ep]tir Ref/Reif, hann(?) <bi-kumr> ...
... in memory of Refr/Reifr. He…
Rune stone (U 1019)
Rune stone from Kyrsta, Uppland (U 1019).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
(i)o[l](a)tr * ok himikr * li(t)(u) * rita * stain * etifR * faþur * s[n ih]ulfast<iolatr> ok Hemingr létu rétta…
Rune stone (U 1017) (context)
Rune stone from Fjuckby, Uppland (U 1017).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
[fastulfr * lit * rita * stin * iftiR * hulf]ast [runiriþ lit * iftiR * osihik * faþur sin uk * bru * kra] al a(s)[li]ks…