Vinland Saga is a manga that expresses the Japanese fascination with the Vikings. It is the story of Thorfinn who seeks revenge against Askeladd because Askeladd killed his father. Sustaining Thorfinn through his ordeal are his pride in his family…
A short history of the Viking Age and medieval period in Norway with exercises for pupils. These are supplements to the book 'Historie Vg2. Fra de eldste tider til 1700-tallet'.
For 39 Years The Danish and now Viking Reenactors, for the whole world, meet to be Vikings for a Week. They have magnificent glorious battles, eat, walk, talk, and do viking craftsmanship,,,, and have Fearless fantastic epic battles :-) and this…
A game for android devices: 'Welcome to the ruthless world of Vikings, where freedom, power, fear and violence reign supreme. You must lead brave warriors into battle, conquer the world and prove your might against players from all over the world.'
Every evening around 9pm GMT I read from 'Vikings: Raids. Culture. Legacy' book by Roderick Dale and Marjolein Stern, with permission from Carlton Publishing. Come and join me on Periscope for the live reading of the book: Twitter: @GBVQuest
Vikings Life and Legend was an exhibition about the Vikings organised by the British Museum, the National Museum of Denmark, and the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. It was sponsored by BP.
This exhibition is a partnership with the British Museum, featuring some stunning Viking objects and highlighting the importance of Cornwall to the Vikings. It's a very hands on, family friendly exhibition and runs until January 2017. A selection of…
Song from History's Vikings series (Season 4 Episode 6) composed and performed by Einar Selvik. It combines lyrics from poems inRagnars saga loðbrókar ok sona hans and Egil Skallagrimsson's Höfuðlausn from Egils saga.More…