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Rune stone (U 808) (B)
Rune stone from Enberga, Uppland (U 808).
According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
* kisl * auk * nkimuntr * koþiR ' trekaR ' kerua * litu * merki * at * halftan '* faþur ' sin ' auk ' at ' aytisi * moþur…
Rune stone (U 808)
Rune stone fromEnberga,Uppland (U 808).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
* kisl * auk * nkimuntr * koþiR ' trekaR ' kerua * litu * merki * at * halftan '* faþur ' sin ' auk ' at ' aytisi * moþur '…
Rune stone (U 800)
Rune stone fromSvinnegarns Kyrka,Uppland (U 780).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ ry-... yk + umsten + yk + stenbyrn + litu akua + sten + at + est + bruþur sin... ok Holmsteinn ok Steinbjôrn létu…
Rune stone (U 779)
Rune stone fromSvinnegarns,Uppland (U 779).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read:
iaruntr × raisti × staina + (þ)... ...r + iarl + sun × sin × kuþ hialbi + ant hansJôrundr reisti…
Rune stone (U 769)
Rune stone fromTesteby,Uppland (U 769).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read:
sk(a)rþi + raisti + stain + þina × aftir + utryk + sun × sin + kuþ × hialbi + ant × hans × auk +…
Rune stone (U 767)
Rune stone fromNorrby, Back-Norrby,Uppland (U 767).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read:
U 767+ lifsten + risti + runi + yfti + feþrka + tuo + kuþa + trekaLífsteinn risti rúnar eptir feðga…
Rune stone (U 766)
Rune stone fromNorrby, Back-Norrby,Uppland (U 766).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read:
U 766+ kuþastr + [l](i)t + akua + steno + (t)uo + yf(t)(i) + est + sun sen + ayk + selfon sik +Guðfastr lét…
Rune stones (U 766 and U 767)
Rune stones fromNorrby, Back-Norrby,Uppland (U 766 and 767).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read:
U 766+ kuþastr + [l](i)t + akua + steno + (t)uo + yf(t)(i) + est + sun sen + ayk + selfon sik +Guðfastr…
Rune stone (U 762)
Rune stone inBrunna,Uppland (U 762).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
[iaruntr + raisti] × stain × þina + aiftir + iarl × sun [si]nJôrundr reisti stein þenna eptir Jarl, son…
Rune stone (U 757)
Rune stone inUllstämma,Uppland (U 757).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
bal[i * auk * iki-i]orn * auk * uikbi[or]n * þi[R] litu ' risn ' sten ' at ' ui(b)(i)orn *Balli ok Ingi[b]jôrn(?) ok…
Rune stones (U 755)
Rune stone inKälsta,Uppland (U 755).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ lis(m)[a]--... auk + tuki + rastu × stain + (þ)i(n)a + aftir + akaut + bu(k)i + i + k[a](l)[staþ](u)mLiðsma[ðr](?)…
Rune stone (U 753)
Rune stone inLitslena prästgård,Uppland (U 753).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
* ikiker * lit * raisa * stain * at * þorlaik * boanta ** sin * koþan * auk * at * iorunt * auk * at * abiorn *…
Rune stone (U 687)
Rune stone inSjusta,Uppland (U 687).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
runa ' lit kiara ' mirki at ' sbialbuþa ' uk ' at ' suain ' uk ' at * antuit ' uk at ' raknaR ' suni ' sin ' uk ' ekla ' uk ' siri(þ) '…
Rune stone (U 678)
Rune stone inSkoklostersKyrka,Uppland (U 678).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
antuitr × auk × kulaifr × auk × kunar × auk × haursi × auk × rulaifR × litu…
Rune stone (U 678)
Rune stone inSkoklosters Kyrka,Uppland (U 678).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
antuitr × auk × kulaifr × auk × kunar × auk × haursi × auk × rulaifR × litu…
Rune stone (U 677)
Rune stone in Viksjö,Uppland (U 677).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§P ...- ok -ualtar aok × nesbiorn ' aok§Q ...- ok ' ualtar aok × nesbiorn ' aok§P ... ok…
Rune stone (U 676)
Rune stone in Viksjö,Uppland (U 676).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
* (b)artr * auk * bysiR * auk * kulua * þair * letu * raisa * stain * þeno * eftir * osur * buruþr * sin þaisi *…
Rune stone (U 672)
Rune stone in Rölunda,Uppland (U 672).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...u(t)... (l)etu * raisa * mer... ... f...(þ)ur * sin *... létu reisa mer[ki] ... f[ô]ður sinn.
... had the…
Rune stone (U 671)
Rune stone in Rölunda,Uppland (U 671).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
[olb](u)si * let * raisa * stain * þeno * at * ufak * faþu(r) * sin *<olbusi> lét reisa stein þenna at…
Rune stone (U 654)
Rune stone inVarpsund,Uppland (U 654).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ a--itr : auk * ka(r) auk : kiti : auk : -[l]isi : auk * tiarfr : ris[t]u : stain : þena : aftir : kunlaif : foþur sin is u[a]s…