Vinland Saga is a manga that expresses the Japanese fascination with the Vikings. It is the story of Thorfinn who seeks revenge against Askeladd because Askeladd killed his father. Sustaining Thorfinn through his ordeal are his pride in his family…
Manaraefan Herred is part of The Vikings, a re-enactment and living history group in England. It covers the countries of Surrey, Hampshire, and Wiltshire. The website includes many articles about the Vikings as well as details of their ability to…
Plaque marking the site of the Viking Age boat burial at Balladoole in the Isle of Man, which was a double burial of a man and a woman.See also items#2783and #2804
One of a pair of modern rune stones by Danish rune-carver Æirikʀ Rauði at the Jómsborg Slavic/Viking camp (Centrum Słowian i Wikingów) in Wolin, Poland.
One of a pair of modern rune stones by Danish rune-carver Æirikʀ Rauði at the Jómsborg Slavic/Viking camp (Centrum Słowian i Wikingów) in Wolin, Poland.
Recital in Old Norse from the original Edda text, Voluspa (The Sibyls Prophecy or Divination of the Witch), a Heathen, Viking Age, Old Norse Poem on Creation, recorded in writing during the 12th Century A.D. (See below for English…
Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…
Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…
Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…
The blurb translates to: "Cormac and Brídín are delighted to be stopping at Granny and Grandad's house again. They're looking forward to another boisterous historical adventure through the magic…
Dragon Harald Fairhair. May 2011 Working with 17th strake. The ship, an imaginative reconstruction of a large ocean-going ship based on saga accounts, rather than following the model of a ship find. It was built in Hagesund, Norway, between 2010 and…
The Nidhug is a 16 meter replica Viking ship, constructed in 1998 at Bramsnæs in the Roskilde Fjord by participants in an unemployment scheme, and is loosely based on the Gokstad ship in Norway. It is hired out as an excursion ship, and whilst it…
The RMMC Network brings together researchers, including postgraduate students, in the fields of, for instance, History, Viking Studies, Medieval Studies, Runology, Art History, History of Religion, Archaeology, and Historical Linguistics with the…
This contribution explores an aspect of boat burials in the second half of the first millennium ad across Northern Europe, specifically boat burials that included equipment for board games (surviving variously as boards and playing pieces, playing…