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This burial chamber was constructed towards the stern of the Gokstad ship. A tall man in his 40s or 50s was buried in it. The chamber was covered with birch bark, and remnants of silk were found between the logs of the roof. The burial chamber…

The Gokstad ship was found in a burial mound at Gokstad in Vestfold, Norway. The ship dates to c. 890 AD and the burial probably took place c. 900 AD. A single male skeleton was found with the ship, but the site had been plundered before excavation…

Balder is a digestif like Jägermeister and similar spiced liqueurs. It uses a Lewis gaming piece rook as its logo, but also plays on the name of the Norse god Baldr as part of its marketing strategy.

A strong fruity beer from Orkney that uses the Scar bone plaque as part of its image.

The parrel (left) was used to fix the sail to the mast on the ship. The rope tighteners would have been used wherever needed in the rigging.

The image shows strap mounts on the left, a dog collar (centre) with wooden whistles on either side of it, and the remains of a dog leash on the far right.

A riding whip found in the Oseberg burial with iron hoof nails in the foreground. The iron nails would have been used in the winter to give the horse better grip in icy conditions.

Rattles were found with each of the carved animal heads. Their function is uncertain, but it has been suggested that they might have been musical instruments, sleigh bells or cult objects used in religious rituals.

Five carved animal heads were found in the Oseberg burial. One of these is too damaged to be displayed. Some of the heads were found with rope running through their mouths, like reins, and all were found with a rattle and a piece of rope.

Alongside the tapestries, other textiles were found. These included woollen fabrics, silk, embroideries and tablet-woven bands.

These are fragments of a tapestry that was found with the Oseberg ship burial. The tapestry appears to depict a procession including horse-drawn wagons.

One of the displays at Vikingskipshuset is Radio Ratatosk. Ratatosk is the squirrel that runs up and down Yggdrasill carrying tales and gossip from top to to bottom. Here he tells you the latest news about the wolf Fenris, the Midgard serpent and…

The Tune ship is currently being 3D scanned, hence it is covered with white dots that are used to measure it. The scanning project is investigating how to stop active decay and preserve the objects in the collection.
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