Eirik Blodtann: John-Egil Hope
Sigurd: Knut Roald Skitskjegg Wake
Magnus: Tom Eddie Borge
American woman tourist: Patricia Stone Perez
American man tourist: David Perez Sr.
The BvS 10 is an all-terrain, amphibious vehicle used by the British Royal Marine Commandoes. They have given it the designation 'Viking' because it is a Swedish design.
The Christian body-building show TX Vikings was removed from the programme at Tønsberg vikingfestival after they used their show to proselytise, thus breaking an agreement they had made with the organisers.
'This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave.'
Round brooch in the collections of the MAA, Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this artefact forthcoming.
The Ballynolan thistle brooch was found near Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick, and is housed in the collections of the MAA, Cambridge. Discovered 1836 by a Mr John Kennedy whilst clearing stones. This Celtic style of brooch was typical of Ireland, and was a…
Eiker was a centre of power in the Drammen region during the Late Iron Age, as is shown by these new finds. Surveys using georadar show that there are the remains of several structures in the area, including a 30m long longhouse.
An oval brooch (Sweden) in the collections of the MAA, Cambridgein the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Oval brooches were a distinctively Scandinavian dress item, and are relatively rare finds in England.