A photograph of a Viking souvenir statuette of unknown provenance. The figure wears typical Viking garb and carries a tri-lobed sword, Gjermundbu-style helmet and a shield.
Pirates of the Frozen North was a supplement for the Pirates Constructible Strategy Game. The game came with plastic ships that needed to be built before play. Pirates of the Frozen North introduced Vikings to the game, and the image with this item…
A postcard showing Surtsey near Iceland. Surtsey is a volcanic island off the south coast of Iceland. The island was created by a submarine volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and finished in 1967. It is named for the fire giant Surtr from Norse…
These tablets would have been used for tablet or card weaving. This is a technique for making narrow decorative bands of the sort that would have decorated the hems of Vikings' clothes.