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This is the story of a young Viking woman who sets out on a quest to end the tyrannical reign of the god-king Odin, and to free her people from war, slavery and the subjugation of women.

Natalie McCaul (Yorkshire Museum), ‘Touring the Vikings’. Chaired by John Sheehan. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.

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A series of posters used to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Viking mission to Mars by NASA

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NASA's poster illustrating the landing sequence for the Viking 1 Mars landing.

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Scales and other finds from a site near Steinkjer in Norway show that this was an important trading town. These are the first finds in the area to confirm what is written in the sagas.

Nancie Marie Brown's blog about Viking Age and modern Iceland.

Engraving service in Shetland incorporating a Viking ship in their branding.
Skoleprosjekt om vikingene på Tau, Strand vgs.

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Earrings based on Yggdrasil (the World-Tree) and produced by Museums Smykker - seen on sale at Museet Ribes Vikinger.

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A replica of a silver pendant found in Östergötland, Sweden and on display in Historiska Museet, Stockholm. It is widely believed to represent the goddess Freyja. These earrings and pendants were seen in Museet Ribes Vikinger.

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Museet er et af landets største lokalhistoriske museer med udstillinger i museumsbygninger i Grenaa, Ebeltoft og Randers.

The Museum of London has an online collection with photographs of Viking Age artefacts. This item is a search in the collection for these artefacts.

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The Huxley Hoard is a collection of Viking silver that was buried for safekeeping, but was never retrieved. The 21 bracelets and one ingot were discovered near Huxley in Cheshire in 2004. The hoard is owned jointly by Chester Grosvenor Museum,…

''Truso – the legend of the Baltic Sea' is the title of a new exhibition presented in the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg. Until recently we knew Truso only from its name, which was written down by an Anglo-Saxon sailor Wulfstan. In…

Wax figures at Borg, Lofoten
Museum of the Viking Age with reconstruction of a Viking chieftain's house, at Borg in Lofoten, Norway

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An activity for children (and adults!) in Museet Ribes Vikinger, where you can assemble messages using runic characters.

This representation of the World-Tree in Museet Ribes Vikinger uses the celing and floor to give a sense of Yggrasill's function in connecting different parts of the Norse Cosmos together. Photograph taken July 2016.

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The Musée d'Archéologie nationale offers a range of material to explore, including some Viking Age artefacts.

Furniture shop in Lerwick, Shetland incorporating a small Viking figure with horned helmet in the logo. Their advert reads 'Delivering furniture is much easier these days'.
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