Browse Items (2474 total)

An outline of the Viking Age settlement(s) at Limerick

A map of the Viking world as named by (or as known to) the Norse peoples. Whilst the names are not entirely accurate (and include a few not recorded in Norse sources), it does illustrate the extent of Norse activity.

A map of the Netherlands in 850 AD

Gokstadhaugen - The mound at Gokstad
This item links to a wesbite with a map showing a number of Viking-related sites in Norway that you can visit.

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Details about the exhibition can be found at

Detail from a map in the Calf Sound Cafe & Visitor Centre, detailing several Norse names, including Kitterland, the Calf, and the Cletts, deriving from the Norse word klettr meaning 'rock'.

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The Manx Loghtan Sheep is a breed particular to the Isle of Man. It is very similar to the Gutefår (or Gotlandic sheep), the oldest breed in Scandinavia, and was probably introduced to Man by the Viking settlers.

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The Manx Loghtan Sheep is a breed particular to the Isle of Man. It is very similar to the Gutefår (or Gotlandic sheep), the oldest breed in Scandinavia, and was probably introduced to Man by the Viking settlers.

Manaraefan Herred is part of The Vikings, a re-enactment and living history group in England. It covers the countries of Surrey, Hampshire, and Wiltshire. The website includes many articles about the Vikings as well as details of their ability to…

Makt og maktsentre i vikingtid og middelalder: Maktsentre på Østlandet fra ca. 800 til 1200 e. Kr. i Snorre og arkeologiske kilder

av Even Ballangrud Andersen

Masteroppgave i historie
Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie…

Souvenir magnetic Viking warrior for children, seen in Shetland Museum and Archives. The outfit is relatively accurate, with no horned helmet in sight!

If you have any information about the producer of this item, please let us know!
An introduction to Old Icelandic/Old Norse grammar via a tour of Alaric's Magic Sheet of Old Norse Inflections (available via This video is mainly on asking what Old Icelandic is.

M/V Thor Magni, a research/survey vessel, belonging to Thor Offshore which works with the oil industry. The company name is a direct reference to the Norse god Thor and is derived from "Hósvík", which means Thor's creek, where the company is based…

Ship named after the legendary Danish hero Holger Danske, and photographed here in port in Olso.

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Assorted luxury items, including beads and jewellery from excavations in Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at
Lux illuxit is a Gregorian chant from the 12th century. It is taken from the Office of St Olav and is thought to have been composed by Eystein Erlendsson.

This low relief of the drakkar consist of ceramic plates. It has been photographed on Olshausenstraße, Kiel, Germany.

On the one of shield by ship side has been placed triskelion-like symbol.

Loom weights with stamps from keys or other marks of ownership. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Several loom weights excavated at Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

Viking-Age loom weights from Unst, Yell, Northmavine, Whalsay, Tingwall, Delting, Aithsting.
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