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Rune stone (Sö 275)
Fragment of rune stone at Nabbhagen,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... * bist * mat-- (h)i * a[imi * uar] ...[Hann(?) ma]nna(?) beztr(?) mat[ar](?) í(?) heimi(?) var(?). ...
Rune stone (Sö 182)
Rune stone fragment atLäggesta, Södermanland (inside Mariefreds Kyrka)
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:...- : sun : sin : uikik * h(a)... ... ... son sinn Víking. Ha[nn] ... ... his son…
Rune stone (Sö 179)
Rune stone atGripsholm,Södermanland.
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:× tula : lit : raisa : stain : þinsa| |at : sun : sin : haralt : bruþur : inkuars : þaiR furu : trikila : fiari : at :…
Rune stone (Sö 178)
Rune stone atGripsholm,Södermanland (Gripsholm 1)
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:hikkulfr × auk × aulfr × þaiR × letu × raiisa × staina × baþa × at +…
Rune stone (Sö 167)
Rune stone atLandshammar,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:uiniutr : raisþi : stain : at : kuþmunt * sun * sin trik * kuþanVénjótr reisti stein at Guðmund, son sinn,…
Rune stone (Sö 103)
A rune stone fromVävlein Södermanland. According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:: biurn * kirþi * kuml * þisa * at * hulfast * faþur * sin * auk ** iarl * broþur * sin *Bjôrn gerði…
Rune stone (Sö 102)
Rune stone at Vävle,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:omuþa * lit * raisa * stain * þinsa * eftir * ku[na]... sun * sin * kuþ * ialbi ans * (s)aluÁmóða lét…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (I)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (H)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (G)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (F)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (E)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (D)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (C)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (B)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to theSamnordisk…
Ramsund Carving (Sö 101) (A)
The Ramsund Rock Carving (Ramsundsberget), one of the most famous runic inscriptions in Sweden, depicting recognisable scenes from the Sigurd legend alongside a memorial inscription referring to the building of a bridge.According to the Samnordisk…
Rune stone (Sö 98)
A rune stone inside Jäders Kyrka in Södermanland. According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
§P ... × risti × run×(i)R f(r)... ...§Q f(r)... × risti × run×(i)R§P ...…
Rune Stone (Sö 97)
Rune stone in the churchyard of Jäders Kyrkain Södermanland.According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas, the inscription reads:§A asgautr : raisti : stin : þena : ... ...(r)(l) : faþur : sin §B × fostra : arna…
Runestone (Sö 96)
A rune stone outside Jäders Kyrka in Södermanland. According to the Samnordisk Runtextdatabas the inscription reads: ... ... -(t)ain : þansi : at : begli : faþur : sii :: buanta :: sifuR :: han : uaR : fa... ... ... ... [s]tein…
Rune stone (Sm Fv1959; 104)
A rune stone fragment, part of a grave slab. Hossmo Church. No inscription visible.