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Rune stone (U 160)
Rune stone inRisbyle,Uppland (U 160).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:ulfkitil * uk * kui uk + uni + þiR × litu * rhisa × stin þina * iftiR * ulf * faþur * sin * kuþan on * buki * i…
Rune stone (Sö 334)
Fragment of rune stone inÄrja ödekyrka,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...- : boanta : --- (k)oþan... bónda [sinn] góðan.
... his/her good husbandman.
Rune stone (Sö 281)
Rune stone inSträngnäs Cathedral (domkyrka),Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:...(a)lui : lit * kira : kubl : ifti... ... burþur : ulfs * þiR * a(u)... ... (m)iþ * ikuari : o…
Rune stone (Sö 279)
Rune stone outside Strängnäs Cathedral (domkyrka),Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
ai... ... ...(u)a : --(a)- ... ...uni ÷ aimunt... ... sunarla : a : se(r)kl...Ei... ...…
Rune stone (Sö 278)
Rune stone inSträngnäs Cathedral (domkyrka),Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
k(u)nbiurn lit raisa : st... ... ...þ[an a]imuntiR :Gunnbjôrn lét reisa st[ein] ... ...…
Rune stone (Sö 277)
Rune stone inSträngnäs Cathedral (domkyrka),Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
u--r : auk : inki:burk : (l)itu : ra... ... ...- : ...a at * uerþr * iki : inkuars : ma... ...... ok…
Rune stone (Sö 276)
Rune stone inSträngnäs Cathedral (domkyrka),Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:sihuiþr : auk : suain : auk : uihielbr : auk : kyla : þaun : litu : raisa : stain : eftiR * olaif…
Rune stone (Sö 275)
Fragment of rune stone at Nabbhagen,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... * bist * mat-- (h)i * a[imi * uar] ...[Hann(?) ma]nna(?) beztr(?) mat[ar](?) í(?) heimi(?) var(?). ...
Rune stone (Sö 182)
Rune stone fragment atLäggesta, Södermanland (inside Mariefreds Kyrka)
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:...- : sun : sin : uikik * h(a)... ... ... son sinn Víking. Ha[nn] ... ... his son…
Rune stone (Sö 179)
Rune stone atGripsholm,Södermanland.
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:× tula : lit : raisa : stain : þinsa| |at : sun : sin : haralt : bruþur : inkuars : þaiR furu : trikila : fiari : at :…
Rune stone (Sö 178)
Rune stone atGripsholm,Södermanland (Gripsholm 1)
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:hikkulfr × auk × aulfr × þaiR × letu × raiisa × staina × baþa × at +…
Rune stone (Sö 167)
Rune stone atLandshammar,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:uiniutr : raisþi : stain : at : kuþmunt * sun * sin trik * kuþanVénjótr reisti stein at Guðmund, son sinn,…
Rune stone (Sö 103)
A rune stone fromVävlein Södermanland. According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:: biurn * kirþi * kuml * þisa * at * hulfast * faþur * sin * auk ** iarl * broþur * sin *Bjôrn gerði…
Rune stone (Sö 102)
Rune stone at Vävle,Södermanland.According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:omuþa * lit * raisa * stain * þinsa * eftir * ku[na]... sun * sin * kuþ * ialbi ans * (s)aluÁmóða lét…
Battle of Stamford Bridge Memorial
The Memorial stone and plaque to commemorate the Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066, at Stamford Bridge.
Ändersta Rune Stone (U 1160) in the Ashmolean Museum (Front, full length)
Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687.The runes read:Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…
Re-Painted Runestone (Öl Fv1911;274B) in the Swedish History Museum
Ölands runinskrifter Fv1911;274B, originally from Resmo Church in Öland, and now on display in the Swedish History Museum (Historiska museet). Viking Age. According to Rundata the inscription reads: ...ina ' eftiʀ ' sueinu ' boanta ' sin '…
Runestone (DR 359) in the Swedish History Museum
Rune stone DR 359, with an inscription in runes from the older futhark. Originally from Istaby, Blekinge, and now housed in the Historiska museet.It has been dated to the period 520-570, and is one of the few runestones from this early period.…
Double ship-setting at Anundshög, Sweden
A double ship setting at the prehistoric burial mound atAnundshög in Sweden, the largest of 5 ship settings on the site. Many ship settings pre-date the Viking Age, but also occur up to the year 1000AD, and are associated with pre-Christian…