The entrance to the Dublinia experience in Dublin features a scale replica of the prow of Havhingsten (The Sea Stallion from Glendalough) which is visible through the glass from the street outside Dublinia. The Sea Stallion is a reconstruction of the…
A photograph of an installation on the Norse gods and goddesses and pagan worship in Dublinia, one of many in the Viking section of the center. For more information, and to plan your visit, see
An activity sheet for primary school students teaching about the vikings and preparing the class for a visit to Dublinia: Experience Viking and Medieval Dublin. The activity sheet can be freely downloaded at…
An activity sheet for primary school students intended to follow up a visit to Dublinia: Experience Viking and Medieval Dublin. The activity sheet can be freely downloaded…
Several Newspapers reported on Great British Bake Off contestant Tom Gilliford, and his efforts to make a Thor's hammer and World-Serpent shaped breads for episode 3 of the 2016 series, including this article in the Telegraph
VikingGenetics owned by VikingDanmark: coop owned by cattle breeders in Denmark, Sweden & Finland. 30.000 member farmers. Breeds: VikingRed. VikingHolstein. VikingJersey.
From the official website:“VikingGenetics is among the world’s largest…
These sherbet glasses are part of the Viking range produced by the Dema Glass company in Chesterfield, England (no longer in operation). Their logo was a viking ship, as pictured here.