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Rune stone from Hassmyra, Västmanland(Vs 24). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: buonti × kuþr × hulmkoetr × lit × resa × ufteR × oþintisu × kunu × seno…
Rune stone from Sala landsförsamlings Kyrka, Västmanland(Vs 29). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: + uisti + yk + alfton + litu + akua + stin + yftir + ulmo + faþur + sen + yk + ulfast + bruþur +…
Rune stone from Saltängsbron, Västmanland(Vs 9). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: × kisl × lit × kera × buru × eftR × osl × sun × sin × han…

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Viking-Age Rune stone from Papil, West Burra (Br Sh4) photographed in the Shetland Museum. According to Rundata, it reads
...r : ra(i)s(t)(i) : s... ...
... reisti s[tein] ...
'...Raised the stone...'

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U104 is one of the so-called 'Greklandsstenarna' which refer to Norse activities in the Byzantine Empire. This rune stone was donated to the Ashmolean Museum by Charles XI of Sweden in 1687 (along with the Ändersta Rune Stone (U 1160). It was…
Rune stone fromKyrsta,Uppland (U 1020). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: [ku](þ)fast[r] * li[t] * [raisa] * stin ... * fastulfr ** rui... ...[st]i * bru * as[uh]kGuðfastr lét reisa stein ... Fastulfr…
Rune stone in Örby,Uppland (U 373). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: iarbi * [l]it * stain * ht[t]R * s(u)-- sina * tuaJarpi lét stein eptir so[nu] sína tvá. Jarpi had the stone (raised) in…
Rune stone inKälsta,Uppland (U 755). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: + lis(m)[a]--... auk + tuki + rastu × stain + (þ)i(n)a + aftir + akaut + bu(k)i + i + k[a](l)[staþ](u)mLiðsma[ðr](?)…
Rune stones fromNorrby, Back-Norrby,Uppland (U 766 and 767). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscriptions read: U 766+ kuþastr + [l](i)t + akua + steno + (t)uo + yf(t)(i) + est + sun sen + ayk + selfon sik +Guðfastr…;107.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/_gPBjXP0l_wyyTnTYZGepQVls3ZVyaRXOu2rURIcq7E
Rune stone in Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;107). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ...-arn * uk * brantr litu * risa * stin * at * karluk * faþur * sin in * kitilbiarn at * broþur ybir risti…

There are many pseudo runic alphabets doing the rounds, and also a number of fonts that borrow the angular style of runes for the Latin alphabet - what we might call 'rune inspired' fonts. They are often used in Viking branding and by special…

Late Viking Age granite rune-stone, originally from Morby in Uppland, Sweden, now in Universitetsparken, Uppsala. Signed by the renowned rune-carver Øpir, it was commissioned by a woman, probably called Gullaug, in memory of her daughter Gillaug,…

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This is the entrance of Kirkwall Airport, Orkney. The placename Grimsetter is written in the runes "krimsitir" in the younger futhark. The new building was opened in 2002 and I have been told that M. P. Barnes advised on the correct use of the runes.

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The RMMC Network brings together researchers, including postgraduate students, in the fields of, for instance, History, Viking Studies, Medieval Studies, Runology, Art History, History of Religion, Archaeology, and Historical Linguistics with the…

Rune stone DR 359, with an inscription in runes from the older futhark. Originally from Istaby, Blekinge, and now housed in the Historiska museet.It has been dated to the period 520-570, and is one of the few runestones from this early period.…ö96.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/utjRLZp6bvavzkM3a7V4R-YF6lvOSmOxEITyKsG6_NU
A rune stone outside Jäders Kyrka in Södermanland. According to the Samnordisk Runtextdatabas the inscription reads: ... ... -(t)ain : þansi : at : begli : faþur : sii :: buanta :: sifuR :: han : uaR : fa... ... ... ... [s]tein…
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