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  • Tags: Memorials

Rune stone next to the burial mounds and ship setting at Anundshög, c. 1000–1050. The rune stone was raised at the culmination of a row of standing stones, which may have marked the route of the 'Eriksgata', a royal procession route…

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Replica of a rune stone from Cunningsburgh (Br Sh3) on display in Shetland Museum and Archives (the original is in the National Museum of Scotland). According to Rundata, it reads
§A ...þi---- (+) -ftir + foþur (:) sin (:) þurbio-...

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Viking-Age Rune stone from Papil, West Burra (Br Sh4) photographed in the Shetland Museum. According to Rundata, it reads
...r : ra(i)s(t)(i) : s... ...
... reisti s[tein] ...
'...Raised the stone...'

Stone gravestone from Dunrossness in the Shetlands. Laid flat on top of the grave. Donated by University of Aberdeen. Photographed June 2016.

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Busts of Anne Stine and Helge Ingstad who discovered l'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, thus proving that the Viking reached the American continent.

Tjängvide image stone (G 110) from near Ljugarn, Gotland and housed in the Historiska museet in Stockholm, Sweden. It includes a runic memorial inscription as well as a series of images including the widely reproduced depiction of a figure on an…

Memorial in Lerwick Town Hall to Alfred Laurenson, a local dignitary, patron and scholar of Scandinavian literature, who died in 1890.

The memorial includes representations of Viking ships, a raven, and a rather confused runic inscription which…

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U104 is one of the so-called 'Greklandsstenarna' which refer to Norse activities in the Byzantine Empire. This rune stone was donated to the Ashmolean Museum by Charles XI of Sweden in 1687 (along with the Ändersta Rune Stone (U 1160). It was…

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Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687.The runes read:Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…

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Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford by King Karl XI of Sweden in 1687. The runes read: Liðsmaðr lét hôggva…

Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687. The runes read: Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…

Thirteenth century runic stone from Sandavágur Church in the Faroes. The inscription reads 'Þorkell Ônundar sonr, austmaðr af Rogalandi, bygði þenna stað fyrst.' Þorkell Ônundr's son, man of the east from Rogaland, lived in this place first…

Memorial stone and plaque for the Battle of Stamford Bridge in the centre of Stamford Bridge village

Runestone: Täby (U 133)
Runestone, today part of the wall of Täby church. The inscription informs us that Guðlaug raised the stone for Holmi, her son who died in Lombardy.
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