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It is quite common to find house names with references to Norse myth in areas with a strong connection to Norse heritage - this example is from Kirkwall in Orkney.

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Short essays about the Vikings

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Basic information about the Vikings

Memorial in Lerwick Town Hall to Alfred Laurenson, a local dignitary, patron and scholar of Scandinavian literature, who died in 1890.

The memorial includes representations of Viking ships, a raven, and a rather confused runic inscription which…

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A Viking doll pattern for crocheting your own Viking.
Vikings, Norse seafarers who left their homelands in Scandinavia to raid, trade, explore, and settle in wide areas of Europe, Asia, and the North Atlantic islands, from the late 8th to the mid-11th centuries. Learn it all in a Nutshell.

A short educational video about the Vikings done as a project for a Western Civilization class.

A short essay about the Vikings with links to other resources.

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Short descriptions of various aspects of Viking life explained with only occasional inaccuracies (such as stating that the Viking Age began c. 700 AD instead of later in the eighth century).

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A short essay about the Vikings with a focus on the education of young people. This site propagates several misconceptions about the Vikings.

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A website with numerous resources for teaching younger children about the Vikings

Le carnet MNM se veut une entrée vers les recherches qui intéressent les mondes normands médiévaux, entendu au sens large pour désigner d’une part l’espace occupé ou colonisé par les Scandinaves aux VIIIe-XIe siècle et de l’autre les…

Thor. Mature. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Idun. ‘Mild and soft.’ From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Freja. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

Loke. Medium mature. And with cumin. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Mjølner. ‘Extra extra matured’ cheese. You can throw it away, but it’ll come back. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Odin and Baldr. The best thing since sliced cheese. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries). July 2016.

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T-Shirt playing on the placename Twatt (from ON þveit, meaning small area of land), which is common to both Shetland and Orkney. Photographed in a tourist shop in Lerwick.
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