Browse Items (2474 total)

oral tradition syllabus.pdf
The syllabus for a course on oral tradition as related to Old Norse literature.

Old Icelandic to English Dictionaries guidance.pdf
Guidance on dictionaries for translating Old Norse/Old Icelandic to English, including online dictionaries.

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The Viking Queen is a winter hardy climber rose bred by the University of Minnesota.

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Satue of Ansgar by artist Hein Heinsen, outside Ribe Cathedral. Ansgar (801-65) was a German missionary (later Archbishop of Hamburg, and later canonised) who was given permission to build the first church in Ribe by King Horik. He is known as the…

York Beer and Cider Festival is being marketed with a Viking in a horned helmet called Beerwulf.

A blog about early medieval art, and especially sculpture.

A gift shop in Niagara-on-the-Lake, with a dragon-prowed viking ship as a logo. The connection with the Vikings is unclear.

A booklet produced by PhD students working in the Cleveland Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.

Heather O’Donoghue (University of Oxford), ‘“By jings, it’s a whopper!”: The One that Got Away in Old Norse Myth, the Work of Hugh MacDiarmid and Moby-Dick’. Chaired by Sarah Baccianti. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference…

Viking Lands Tours and Tourism.jpg
A Facebook group for those interested in the Vikings, focusing on tours, tourism and photography. Run by Heather D. Linnett

Viking Lands_Jon Sveinsson.jpg
A Facebook group for those interested in the Vikings. The site is run by Heather D. Linnett.

Ship named after the legendary Danish hero Holger Danske, and photographed here in port in Olso.

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The influence of the Vikings gets everywhere. Valhalla's Goat is a shop in Glasgow that takes its name from Norse myth
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