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A hiker found a Viking sword when he sat down to rest after a short fishing trip.

A colourful figurine (including horned helmet) outside a shop in Heimaey in the Westman Islands

Hafnarfjördur, Viking Village
The Viking Village in Iceland is a Viking-themed restaurant and hotel that has an annual Viking festival.

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Modern representations of the high seat pillars or idols of the Norse gods cast into Goðafoss waterfall by Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði following the conversion of Iceland. These statues seemingly represent Thor and Iðunn, and are located…

Goðafoss ('Waterfall of the Gods') is a prominent landmark in Iceland, and also an important site in the Viking Age history of Iceland, most well-known as the place where Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, responsible for the decision to adopt…

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Goðafoss ('Waterfall of the Gods') is a prominent landmark in Iceland, and also an important site in the Viking Age history of Iceland, most well-known as the place where Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, responsible for the…

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Goðafoss ('Waterfall of the Gods') is a prominent landmark in Iceland, and also an important site in the Viking Age history of Iceland, most well-known as the place where Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, responsible for the decision to adopt…

Goðafoss is a prominent landmark in Iceland, and also an important site in the Viking Age history of Iceland, most well-known as the place where Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, responsible for the decision to adopt Christianity at the…

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A news article about the threat to a replica Viking ship in Good Templar Park, Geneva, Illinois

Discovered in Öland, Köping in Sweden and dating to the Viking Age. It depicts a female figure in elaborate dress holding a cup or horn, and may represent a Valkyrie. For more images of this item, see…

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A reconstructed farm based on the excavated remains found at Stöng. It is open to visit in the summer.

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Vikingar! is an interactive experience about the Vikings, offering educational tours as well as general visits.

Viking Dad
Norstead Viking Village is a living history museum near L'Anse-aux-Meadows.

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A description of building a Viking house based on the archaeological evidence from Dublin.

The Icelander
A museum about the Vikings in Reykjanesbær, Iceland. It features a replica Viking ship as a main attraction.

House at Fotevikens Museum
Foteviken Museum is a living history museum with a recreated Viking town.

The Norns
Ribe Viking Centre offers the opportunity to learn more about the Vikings with events and multimedia experiences

Freydis Joanna in the naust
The Danish Canadian Museum offers the opportunity to explore Danish settlement in Canada, including a replica Viking ship called Freydis Joanna.

A magnet from a shop in Heimaey, depicting a valkyrie. Original source for this design may be the Öland Silver 'Valkyrie' Pendant

Stores in Reykjavík and Akureyri selling quality goods made in Iceland. The branding uses typical Viking imagery of a horned helmet and beard.
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