Browse Items (2474 total)

A tour bus in Oslo with a Viking with horned helmet on the side.

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A floating toy viking ship with dragon prow photographed in the Ribe VikingCenter in Denmark.

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A small viking ship featuring a dragon prow with images of a horned helmet and viking warrior on the sail. Toy seen in Copenhagen airport.

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Wooden toy axes and swords in a gift shop in Ribe. The Viking history of the town is important for the tourist industry.

A view over the area of the Viking festival with Viking-style tents pitched around the site.

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Tønsberg Vikingfestival is a Viking festival aimed at raising awareness of Tønsberg's Viking heritage.

A medieval style dress in a shop in Tønsberg. It has a belt clasp with a stylised Oseberg ship on it.

A display including some of the items brought from Norway to trade in York during the Viking Age, including dried fish, animal skins, antlers and soapstone, as well as a replica Viking ship. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St…

A mini steam engine train named Thor at Moors Valley Park, Dorset.

A translation of Hamðismál by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. Hamðismál is a heroic poem from the Poetic Edda that finishes the cycle about Guðrun and Sigurðr.

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A translation of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the tale of…

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A translation into Spanish of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the…

A brooch based on the common Viking-Age trefoil brooch type.

Axe from Trelleborg
The museum at Trelleborg offers the opportunity to explore the Viking fortress with reconstructed houses and archaeological finds.

The history of three Viking kings (Harald Bluetooth, Sweyn Forkbeard, Cnut the Great) told using sound and video projection mapping as a Son et Lumiere for Illuminating York 2013.

For detailed notes on the history used in this work follow these…

In the 1930s German brown coal (or lignite) was often stamped with the syndicate name Troll, a supernatural being in Norse mythology. The association may be with the underground extraction of the coal, or be intended to demonstrate the power of the…

This statue of a troll stands outside the visitor centre at Geysir, and is a popular place for tourists to take photos. Trolls are a supernatural being (usually antagonist) featuring in Old Norse mythology, but since adopted and adapted in a variety…

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Tug boat registered to Copenhagen and named Svitzer Mjölnir after Thor's famous hammer. Another tug is named 'Trym' after the giant who stole Thor's hammer. The comic account of the recovery of the hammer is told in the eddic poem 'Þrymskviða'

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Tug boat registered to Copenhagen and named Svitzer Trym after the Norse giant Þrymr, who stole Thor's hammer. The comic account of the recovery of the hammer is told in the eddic poem 'Þrymskviða'
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