Browse Items (2474 total)

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An anchor from one of Ribe's Viking ships, the most important means of trade with this important market town. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Iron axes, scrapers, and clinker nails associated with ship building or repair in Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Fabric soaked in tar and inserted between the planks of a clinker-built ship helped to keep it watertight and reduce wear on the planks. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Reconstruction of the clothing of a man from the year 800. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Reconstruction of the clothing of a woman from the year 800. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Moulds for the casting of various objects - from brooches to keys - found in Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Bronze objects, including keys, found at Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Beads from the period c.700-850 excavated from Ribe Marketplace, and demonstrating the development in styles. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Glass from the production of beads and mosaics lost or discarded at Ribe Marketplace. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Unworked glass and mosaic tiles from North Italy, found in Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Broken glass beads from the production of beads at Ribe Marketplace. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Bone combs and comb parts from Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

Loom weights with stamps from keys or other marks of ownership. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Several loom weights excavated at Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Woolen fabric from excavations at Ribe Marketplace. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Personal items including keys, pins and tools from excavations at Ribe Marketplace. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Model of building layout, based on excavations at Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Horsebone skates and leather shoes from Ribe excavations. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Gaming pieces and tokens made of clay, from Ribe excavations. Details about the exhibition can be found at
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