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Tugboat 'Odin' moored in Kiel, Germany.

Technical description of the ship:

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The archaeological collection at Tullie House contains the remains of eight pagan inhumations and a selection of Viking Age stray finds.

Tunsberghus fortress was a royal castle and palace on top of Slottsfjellet in Tonsberg. The present remains are medieval, but there may have been a fortification in the Viking Age too. The castle is mentioned in Sverris saga. It was expanded by…

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Norsk historie, sesong 1, episode 2: Nordmennenes land - 800-1270

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T-Shirt playing on the placename Twatt (from ON þveit, meaning small area of land), which is common to both Shetland and Orkney. Photographed in a tourist shop in Lerwick.

Tweezers were part of every Viking's basic toilet articles.

A decorative dog collar from excavations carried out in Waterford City. It dates from the twelfth century, and is an extremely rare example of a collar used for hunting or racing dogs in the late Viking Age. The Waterford Treasures websitepoints out…

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Two grave urns from Ribe, one with comb and knife. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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TYR swimwear, because sport is war! A range of swim- and sportswear named for the Norse god of war.

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Ullr Vikinglag is a Viking reenactment and living history group with an emphasis on blunt-weapon training.

Ulster Museum has a small collection of Viking Age artefacts

This club in Grafarvogur, Reykjavík takes the name of Fjölnir, a legendary Norse king mentioned in Grottasöngr and Ynglinga saga (where he is said to have drowned in a vat of mead), and named as the son of Freyr in Ynglingatal

Viking Swords in Bergen Museum
The University Museum of Bergen houses a Viking Age exhibition based on excavations at Ytre Moa in Årdal, Sogn, Norway

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Unworked glass and mosaic tiles from North Italy, found in Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at
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