Costumes created for the Jarl (leader of the squad of Vikings in the procession that burns the galley). Each year the costume is different, usually drawing on a popular image of the Vikings.
The Up Helly A' is a festival celebrated on the 24th day…
A Jarl is chosen every year to lead the Up Helly Aa Vikings, who lead the parade and burn the galley during the festivities. The elaborate costume includes a helmet with raven feathers, and a shield with a raven emblem.
Each proclamation displayed publicly before the Up Helly Aa festival includes a painting, usually relating to the Viking heritage of Shetland. These are housed in the Up Helly Aa Exhibition.
The Up Helly A' is a festival celebrated on the 24th day…
The Cuerdale Hoard is the largest Viking hoard discovered in the British Isles, and includes 8,600 pieces, mostly silver including hacksliver, ingots and coins from as far afield as Byzantium and the Islamic world. It dates to 905 and was discovered…
Valhala Hidromel is a company that produces mead in a traditional way, but far from its origins in Northern Europe. The company is based in Campos do Jordão in Brazil, and its products and website feature plentiful Norse imagery, including Thor's…
Goðafoss ('Waterfall of the Gods') is a prominent landmark in Iceland, and also an important site in the Viking Age history of Iceland, most well-known as the place where Lawspeaker Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, responsible for the decision to adopt…
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A Viking-themed Finnish restaurant chain with their own branded beer. Menu items are given Viking names like 'The Voyage of Dyflinn' (Dublin) and 'The Shield of Bjorn Ironside'.
Silver coins from the Viking Age at the National Museum in Helsinki. The coins were found by metal-detectorists and are primarily Germanic or Anglo-Saxon in origin.