Database of illustrations of Old Norse mythology, as well as scenes of Old Norse paganism and the Conversion period, from manuscripts and early print sources. 450 images as of May 2024.
'Old Norse Digital Web: An Integrated Environment for Old Icelandic Morphology and Textual Study' is a project developing an automated, web-based Old Icelandic morphological (“word form”) analyzer and English language search tool that will attach…
The remains of a church from c.1300 at Quassiarsuk (Brattahlid / Brattahlíð) in Greenland. Remains of an earlier church were found under these remains. The church is surrounded by a turf wall.
Photo of a woman in traditional Norse dress outside the reconstruction of Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Franziska Mahler - Visit Greenland
Hvalsey church was probably built in the early 14th Century, and is located in the Norse settlement of Hvalsey (modern Qaqortoq). There are some indications it was built on the site of an earlier Norse church. Photo by David Trood - Visit Greenland