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Although Finland's Viking past is not as marked as that of the Scandinavian countries, it is still used as a selling point, as with this t-shirt featuring the Ægishjálmur or Helm of Awe/Terror. The shape of this runic stave is only known from later…

A Viking keyring from Finland

Torson's riding stables are known as Viikinkilinna (Viking Castle). The safety notice uses runic-style fonts as part of the commercial branding.

Viking Lotto runs in all the Nordic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Thor is a wheat beer from Finland. The label shows Thor in his cart pulled by his goats.

Hagar the Horrible is known as Harald Hirmuinen (the Terrible) in Finland.

Beer steins featuring Hagar the Horrible (aka Harald Hirmuinen) in Finland. From left to right, they read 'That's it!', 'Searching for an equaliser', and 'Man of the house'.

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Official website of a Polish sport's and outdoors clothing brand.

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Viking Biking is a company in Oslo that rents bicycles and offers bicycle tours. It uses the image of a horned-helmeted cheerful Viking on a bicycle as its logo.

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Viking Cafe in Ayrshire, Scotland shows little actual connection to Vikings, but is branded with a Viking motif.

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A coffee shop that will also offer cabins to stay in.

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Viking Cruises is an international travel company that uses the logo of a Viking ship to sell their cruises.

Viking 'Warlord' Racing Bike produced by the Viking Cycles company which was based in Derry, and was bought by Manchester-based Avocet Sports. Their logo was once a Viking Ship.

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Facebook group providing news about Viking festivals in the Vestfold area.

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Viking footwear is a Norwegian company producing al-weather footwear.

This company offers horse riding tours in the Reykjavik area, and draws on the Viking origin of Iceland's distinctive breed of horses in their branding and logo, which features Sleipnir (Odin's eight-legged horse).

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Sign for 'Viking House', a hostel situated within the Viking Triangle in Waterford City.

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Viking Life-Saving Equipment company van. ”Viking Service Esbjerg. Når hvert liv tæller" ["When every life counts"]. Company founded 1960 as Nordisk Gummibådfabrik (Nordic Rubber Dinghy Factory), later renamed Viking Life-Saving Equipment.…

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Viking Light Beer is brewed by Viking Ölgerd brewery in Akureyri, and is one of many Icelandic beers to use Viking branding, in this case a ship.

Viking footwear uses a stylised horned helmet as a logo.
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