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This runic inscription can be found in the covered exterior passage, on the fourth wall-board to the right of the south portal. The inscription consists of five runes, two of which, according to Professor Magnus Olsen, may be disregarded as mere…

Book Review of Sophie Rogge-Börner’s Von nordischen Frauen, Königen und Bauern (‘Of Nordic Women, Kings and Peasants’) and Gisela Wenz-Hartmann’s Lebensbilder germanischer Frauen (‘Portraits of Germanic Women’) with special attention to…

Book Review of "Urmutter Unn. Geschriften um altnordische Frauen" ('Foremother Unn. History of an Old-Norse woman') by Lydia Kath.

Overview of a personal humble collection of books related to the topic of a current PhD-project, namely the Viking-age woman known as Unnr djúpúðga or Auðr djúpauðga (lit. Unn the ‘deep-minded’ or Aud the ‘deeply wealthy’).

Kvöldvaka is the name of an Old Norse reading and translation group set up by Marjolein Stern and Sofie Vanherpen in Ghent, Belgium. Kvöldvaka brings together a small eclectic group of people from Belgium and the Netherlands who share a love for…

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Book review of a modern take on Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga's story by Vilborg Davíðsdóttir. Two novels of a trilogy have been published already. The first is entitled "Auður", the second "Vígroði".

Book review of Alan Boucher’s "The Land Seekers" which is a modern twist on Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga's story told from the point of view of her grandson and his friend.

Tone Holte
Blog post about modern adaptations of Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)úðga's story to song and theatre plays by the Norwegian Tone Holte and her group Lyra fra Norden.

Course note for a course about the Vikings from The Danish Club of St Louis

"Stories for all time"
Stories for all time is a research project based at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Nordic research (Nordisk Forskningsinstitut). It aims to survey the transmission history of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda or legendary sagas.

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Website in Dutch, which includes a section on Vikings in de lage landen (Vikings in the Low Countries). The raids during a time period of 900 AD till 1200 AD.

Rorik of Dorestad
An essay on the Vikings and the Netherlands

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A history of the Vikings in the Netherlands by amateur historian Luit van der Tuuk

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Aan het begin van de zevende eeuw ontwikkelde Dorestad zich tot het belangrijkste handelscentrum van Noord-west-Europa. Maar Dorestad raakte in de tweede helft van de negende eeuw uit de gratie en het verval sloeg toe. Tiel nam de leidende positie…

St Colmac's Church with Cnoc an Rath in the left middle ground
New research has identified a possible Viking thing (parliament) site on Bute in the Hebrides. It is suggested that Ketill flatnose may have been associated with it.

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Brief overview of the voyages that Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga Ketilsdóttir made in various sources that relate about her. With Google Maps images of the locations mentioned.

If an episode of the BBC series “Who do you think you are?” was devoted to Auðr djúpúðga (‘deep-minded’), where would the journey lead to? A short essay on Auðr djúpúðga (‘deep-minded’).
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