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Thor og Balder grovstykker. Wholegrain bread rolls on sale in 7-Eleven shops in Denmark. Grovstykker: Literally: ‘coarse pieces’.

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Sticker with logo of Jomsborg Vikingeklubben [Jomsborg Viking Club]. Winter bathing club, founded 1933. Bathe naked in the sea, then in to the sauna. Meets at Den Permanente bathing area in Risskov (Århus) Denmark. Danish Winter-bathers (not just at…

Viking rye bread from Kohberg Bakery Group A/S. Largest Danish bread company. Original bakery founded 1969. Viking (and Hercules) rye bread launched 1989.

Thor. Mature. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Idun. ‘Mild and soft.’ From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Freja. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

Loke. Medium mature. And with cumin. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Mjølner. ‘Extra extra matured’ cheese. You can throw it away, but it’ll come back. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries).

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Odin and Baldr. The best thing since sliced cheese. From the Asgaard cheese range ‘exclusive to Aldi’. On sale in Denmark (and presumably other countries). July 2016.

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Viking India Pale Ale from Braunstein Bryghuset, a microbrewery in Køge, Denmark. On special offer in supermarket, June 2016.

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How to live like a modern Viking: Live on Viking Banke. A residential road in Skagen on the Northern tip of Jutland, Denmark. It leads down to the dunes & the sea. In the neighbourhood, known as 'Bankekvarteret', several roads are named after North…

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'Lady of the house' in thenth-century clothes weaving wool and linen in reconstructed pit-house on site of original pit-house. Reconstruction at excavation site now Vikingemuseet Århus, underneath Nordea Bank in city centre Århus Denmark. Original…

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Entrance to Vikingemuseet, underneath Nordea bank in centre of Århus, Denmark. A three-metre descent by stairs into original Viking Aros (Århus) town - as you walk down past the original layers of earth, stone and human debris, years on the steps…

These sherbet glasses are part of the Viking range produced by the Dema Glass company in Chesterfield, England (no longer in operation). Their logo was a viking ship, as pictured here.

A ninth-century hoard was found by a metal detectorist in a field near Watlington.

This festival in the towns of Cabourg, Dives-sur-mer and Houlgate in Normandy celebrates 950 years since the Norman Conquest, as well as the Norse heritage of this region of France. Many of the events at the festival - including the ships - are…

Christina Lee (University of Nottingham), ‘ Forged in Hekla’ s Ashes: Old Norse Myths and German Unification’. Chaired by Matthias Egeler. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.

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Course poster and essay questions for the Burning Desires course at the University of Nottingham. this exhibit gives you an idea of the coverage of the course.

The Viking Answer Lady is a popular website that began life as a series of articles for the newsletter of the Barony of Bjornsborg, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism. It includes articles on many aspects of the Vikings.

Toy car with Hagar the Horrible imagery on the side. The back of the package details other toy cars in the set. Hagar the Horrible is a cartoon figure created by American cartoonist Chris Browne. Photographed in Lodi, California.
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