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A review of Jesch, J., 1991 'Women in the Viking Age' (Woodbridge: Boydell) written by Carolyne Larrington and published in Alvismal. The link is to a pdf of the review.

Bone tablets for tablet weaving. These would be used for weaving the braids that decorated the edges of Viking tunics.

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Bone combs and comb parts from Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at

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Child's depiction of a Viking helmet with a reference to Dýrafjörður in the Ísafjarðarbær municipality. Located in central Ísafjörður, Iceland.

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Boðvin Vikinglag is a Viking reenactment group in Bodø, Norway.

Viking-Age iron boat rivets from Yell, Shetland. Donated by Robbie Arthur, Stromfirth. ARC 1996.242.

A small boat named Viking, with a stylised Viking head with beard and horned helmet. Seen on the canal in central Amsterdam.

Boat named viking on Aldeburgh Beach in Suffolk. Situated on the east coast and firmly within the former Danelaw, this is an appropriate location for such a boat. Aldeburgh is an Old English name, meaning 'old fortification' - the site of a Roman…

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Boat names in Scandinavia often make references to the Norse past, and particularly to the seafaring culture of the Vikings. It is less common to come across boats with Viking names elsewhere - this one is registered in Elburg in the Netherlands and…

A small boat named Oden, with a stylised Viking head with beard and horned helmet. Seen on the canal in central Amsterdam.

Boat-builder using traditional techniques and tools to reconstruct a small clinker-built boat at the wharf area of the Ribe VikingCenter. Ships were vital for local trade and transport as well as for raiding activities and exhibitions further…
In the first episode of our new video series, we play 'Vikings', a tile-placement strategy game designed by Michael Kiesling in 2007, in which Dr. Rory Naismith and Dr. Kate Wiles dispel the myth of horned Norsemen and uncover the secrets of buried…

The logo for Bluetooth short-range wireless technology is a bind rune made up of the initials of Harald Bluetooth's name using the runes of the younger futhark: ᚼ (H) (Hagall) and ᛒ (B) (Bjarkan). This tenth-century King of Denmark famously…

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A Romanian pizza restaurant using a Viking logo to promote itself.

This blot was held at the ancient pagan burial mounds of Uppsala and was organised by Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige.
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