Browse Items (2474 total)

Viking ship compared to later medieval ships

A short walking tour of Dublin's Viking and Medieval sites from the website

A Viking Re-Enactor and a child dressed up as a Viking with knitted beard at Jorvik Festival 2010

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The Viking Archaeology Blog is concerned with news reports featuring Viking period archaeology. It was primarily constructed as a source for the University of Oxford Online Course in Viking Archaeology: Vikings: Raiders, Traders and Settlers.

A pack for you to create your own Viking attack using transfers to deploy your Viking raiders. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.

Viking axe-head in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts.

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An iron axe-head, ninth or tenth century, from the Hunt Museum Collections.
HCA 638

Axe from a man's grave in Whiteness. Donated by Lerwick Town Council. ARC 65381.

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T-shirt from Marks and Spencer (wearer is a one year old).

A Viking badge with obligatory horned helmet from the tourist info shop in Copenhagen

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How to live like a modern Viking: Live on Viking Banke. A residential road in Skagen on the Northern tip of Jutland, Denmark. It leads down to the dunes & the sea. In the neighbourhood, known as 'Bankekvarteret', several roads are named after North…

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A discussion of the probable reality of Viking battle formations and a comparison of that reality with depictions in film and on television.

A Viking-themed beer stein from the Tourist Information shop in Copenhagen.

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Viking Biking is a company in Oslo that rents bicycles and offers bicycle tours. It uses the image of a horned-helmeted cheerful Viking on a bicycle as its logo.

A calendar illustrated with images of Viking Age artefacts, including the Oseberg ship.

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Mead produced by Dansk Mjød A/S, in Billund, Denmark and named Viking Blod (Viking blood). Aimed at the tourist market.
From this years Blot at Agder Vikinglags marked at Bronseplassen, Norway

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Single-edged, decorated bone comb from the Viking Age. Held in the Hunt Museum Collections.
HCA 592

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A worked bone ice skate, possibly ninth or tenth century, held in the Hunt Museum collections.
HCA 684
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