Browse Items (2474 total)
Episode 08 of Rory McGrath's comical look at some of the nastier moments in British History. This one begins with the first raid of THE VIKINGS in 793.

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A blog post about women in the Viking Age and what the Oseberg ship burial means for our understanding of their levels of power and agency.

A blog about the Viking Age in Norway that was created as part of a school project

A blog about Viking re-enactment in Norway by Ingrid Galadriel of Trondheim Vikinglag.

A blog describing research into Viking-Age metalwork by Jane Kershaw

A blog by Dr Dayanna Knight, Viking archaeologist and anthropologist, and artist.

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A blog post about Norse and Danish settlement in Cork

Image from
A blog about re-enactment of the Viking Age

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A discussion about two-handed (Dane) axes, looking at typologies, and the evidence for their use.

2016-09-14 (1).png
Tamara's discussion of the 'Vikings' TV series and the directions it will be taking.

A blog designed to introduce the Vikings to children

A short article discussing the origins of the gene that controls red hair and relating it to the Vikings.

Emily Lethbridge's blog of how she travelled around Iceland reading the sagas at the locations where they took place.

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Author Patricia Bracewell describes her day out to visit the location where History Channel's 'Vikings' is filmed.

The Medieval Nordic Legal Dictionary is a 3-year project aimed at producing a Nordic-English lexicon of the legal terminology found in medieval Scandinavian texts.

2016-07-29 (2).png
A blog post about an immigrant's first experience of St Olaf's Day in Norway

Byrhtnoth's Plaque
Eleanor Parker discusses the Old English poem 'The Battle of Maldon'. The poem describes a battle that is also recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and which the Vikings won. Olaf Tryggvason may have been present at this battle, as some traditions…

A blog about early medieval art, and especially sculpture.

Eleanor Parker writes about the English perspective on St Olaf in the medieval period.
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