Browse Items (2474 total)

A blog post about St Olaf and discussion of which church may have given Kirkwall its name.

The blog for Sigvaldi's Saga by Mel Sewell. This is a Viking saga written in the style of Japanese haiku.


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This blog post describes an event put on by Trondheim Vikinglag and has many good photos.

Dr Maja Bäckvall's blog on Norse imagery and language in modern culture. The blog features many uses of runes in video games, among other topics.

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A blog post about paintings of Viking raids.

Tamara's discussion of the mythology behind a recent trailer for 'Vikings' at Comic-Con,

Excavations at Bryndum have revealed the presence of a previously unknown, late Viking Age burial place near the church.

A blog post about the hymn for St Olav written in 1896 by Norwegian poet and playwright Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson.

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A description of the inspiration behind bod's Horns-of-Odin plaque. The plaque features three horns in a valknut-style design.

A Dutch blog about the Vikings.

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The two parts of a blog post about Svend Estridsen and Hereward the Wake in post-conquest England.

A blog post on The History Channel programme 'Unconventional Warfare' and its approach to presenting the Viking berserk.

Nancie Marie Brown's blog about Viking Age and modern Iceland.

A website about the Norsemen and the Vikings in the Low Countries.

A blog that is primarily about monsters, but with reference to the author's research into monsters in the Icelandic sagas.

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The blog for Dublinia: Experience Viking and Medieval Dublin

A blog with descriptions of, and links to items about, the Icelandic sagas.

Larsen's blog discusses movies from the perspective of an historian. History Channel's 'Vikings' has come under his scrutiny, and this item links to the discussions on that programme.
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