In one section of the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm representing the Viking period, Swedish women are represented in one individual display case by a great number of keys found in various archaeological digs. Keys are everyday and familiar…
If an episode of the BBC series “Who do you think you are?” was devoted to Auðr djúpúðga (‘deep-minded’), where would the journey lead to? A short essay on Auðr djúpúðga (‘deep-minded’).
A blog post from Tamara Bakx, about a visit to an exhibition on Dragons and the history of Limburg. The blog post is named 'Vikings adventure in The Netherlands'.
Book Review of Sophie Rogge-Börner’s Von nordischen Frauen, Königen und Bauern (‘Of Nordic Women, Kings and Peasants’) and Gisela Wenz-Hartmann’s Lebensbilder germanischer Frauen (‘Portraits of Germanic Women’) with special attention to…
Sheryl McDonald Werronen tweeted 30 riddarasögur (courtly romances) over the course of 30 days. This blog post links to storifies of the tweets so you can catch up on them all easily.
A brief description of traces of Vikings in Northern Ireland along the Causeway Coastal route in County Antrim, Northern-Ireland. Archaeological finds, local legends and places such as Larne or Ulfreksfjord, Fair Head, Rathlin Island and Dunluce…
A blog post about Hastein Ragnarsson, Leif Eiriksson, and Oleg of Novgorod. It discusses these three Vikings and provides some primary sources that provide information about them.
Discussion and photographs of the Viking Age cross at Kirkcolm in the Rhinns of Galloway. The cross is Christian but features a figure identified as the hero Sigurd.
Blog post by Tamara Bakx: The Dutch story of Mariken of Nijmegen rewritten as a Viking tale. Based on a story by De meesters van Katherina van Kleef en de gebroeders van Limburg. (Subjective interpretation).
David is a photographer in Norway, who posts black and white images that include local Viking markets on the blog. This item links to one of those images, from which it is possible to find many more.