Browse Items (2474 total)

Blog post about Ragnar's sons and The Netherlands; Sigurd, Ubbe, Ivar the Boneless, Bjorn Ironside, Hvitserk

A blog post about different ways in which Vikings might be used in fiction.

A blog post discussing the practicalities of making sails for Viking ships.

A post about vats in the Norse sagas from the Medieval Cheese blog.

A short essay about finding out about the Vikings in the Netherlands

My journey to find something about Vikings in The Netherlands

Kvöldvaka is the name of an Old Norse reading and translation group set up by Marjolein Stern and Sofie Vanherpen in Ghent, Belgium. Kvöldvaka brings together a small eclectic group of people from Belgium and the Netherlands who share a love for…

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Book Review of "Urmutter Unn. Geschriften um altnordische Frauen" ('Foremother Unn. History of an Old-Norse woman') by Lydia Kath.

A follow-up post about the practicalities of making sails for Viking ships. See the related items for earlier discussion on how Vikings made sails.

This blog post considers the evidence for Greenland being warmer when settled by Vikings than it is now.

Tone Holte
Blog post about modern adaptations of Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)úðga's story to song and theatre plays by the Norwegian Tone Holte and her group Lyra fra Norden.

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Brief overview of the voyages that Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga Ketilsdóttir made in various sources that relate about her. With Google Maps images of the locations mentioned.

Overview of a personal humble collection of books related to the topic of a current PhD-project, namely the Viking-age woman known as Unnr djúpúðga or Auðr djúpauðga (lit. Unn the ‘deep-minded’ or Aud the ‘deeply wealthy’).

Book review of Alan Boucher’s "The Land Seekers" which is a modern twist on Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga's story told from the point of view of her grandson and his friend.

Book review of a modern take on Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga's story by Vilborg Davíðsdóttir. Two novels of a trilogy have been published already. The first is entitled "Auður", the second "Vígroði".

New cast announced: The grown-up versions of Ragnar's sons, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Ivar, Sigurd. Discussion of the new cast for Vikings

Discussion of Vikings season 4 'What might have been'
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