The Asgard Besttatungen has three branches in Berlin - this photo was taken on Schönhauser Allee. It is not clear if the company promotes Asatru faith or is in any way connected with pagan religious practice.
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"Playing cards depicting the Norse pagan gods and characters from the myths as interpreted by Icelandic artist Nína Björk Bjarkadóttir. An explanatory booklet is included in…
this is an example of Old Norwegian as it was around 1255. It is again Arne Torp who made the video, check out his website here:
A film described as 'The Viking Hunger Games'. This trailer shows one way that popular culture engages with the Vikings, in this instance the Viking berserkers who were supposed to have been an unstoppable, berserk Viking warrior.
Essay Question: To what extent do the authors of Gísla saga Súrssonar and Grettis saga Ásmundarsonar critique Icelandic law and the sentence of outlawry?
Essay Question: Why do the authors of the skáldasögur (Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa, Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar, Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu, Hallfreðar saga, and Kormáks saga) incorporate poetry in their sagas?
Essay Question: How is the figure of the poet presented in the skáldasögur (Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa, Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar, Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu, Hallfreðar saga, and Kormáks saga)?
Essay Title: ‘There is ample evidence in the eddic corpus of a distinct genre of Odinic wisdom dialogue. The poems belonging to this genre are uniform in their themes and formulaic in their execution.’ Discuss.
Essay Title: ‘The primary value of eddic poetry and Snorri Sturluson’s Edda is located not in their aesthetic accomplishments but in their status as mythological sources.’ Discuss.