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Harald Sigurdsson (Haraldr Sigurðarson) more commonly known as Harald Hardrada (Haraldr harðráði) was King of Norway from 1046 until 1066 and led an unsucessful invasion of England in 1066. He was killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge. This…

Rögnvald Brusason shared the Earldom of Orkney with Thorfinn Sigurdsson from c. 1037 until his death in conflict with Thorfinn in 1046, and his eventful life is recorded in some detail in Orkneyinga saga. More information about the Oriel Window can…

A souvenir from Copenhagen drawing on the misconception of horned helmets as a recognisable symbol of Denmark

This window in Lerwick Town Hall in Shetland depicts the early tirteenth-century King of Norway, Haakon Haakonsson (Hákon Hákonarson, Håkon Håkonsson, Haakon the Old), who died in Orkney and is buried in St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall. The other…

Haakon Haakonsson (Hákon Hákonarson, Håkon Håkonsson, Haakon the Old) was King of Norway from 1217 to 1263, and died in Orkney and is buried in St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall.

Rognvald Kali Kolsson (d. 1158), also known as Rognvald the Crusader, is one of the most important and colourful Earls of Orkney, and his exploits are depicted in Orkneyinga saga. He invaded Orkney in 1135, and promoted the cult of St Magnus with the…

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Rognvald Eysteinsson was jarl of Møre in Norway, and was offered the earldom of Orkney after its conquest by Harald fairhair, though he declined in favour of his brother Sigurd. For more information on the window, see…

The Rose Window features a version of the coat of arms of Lerwick, with several elements of Norse heritage incorporated: the Viking ship with dragon prows, the battle-axe and the raven (the latter associated with Odin and an important symbol in Norse…

Danish Blue Cheese (danablu) produced for an international market by The Dairy Viking. Producer unknown. Please contact us if you have information about this image.

The Eyrarland Statue is a small bronze seated figure, which is widely understood to represent Thor with his hammer. The original was found at Eyrarland near Akureyri and dates from the year 1000. It is housed in the National Museum of Iceland. These…

Proclamation and Artwork produced for the 2016 Up Helly A', and on public display in Lerwick, Shetland. The proclamations typically poke fun at the establishment.

The Up Helly A' is a festival celebrated on the 24th day after Christmas in…

Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687. The runes read: Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…

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Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford by King Karl XI of Sweden in 1687. The runes read: Liðsmaðr lét hôggva…

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Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687.The runes read:Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…

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Replica of the Leifr Eiríksson (Leif Erikson) statue outside the Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavík. Leifr led the expedition to Vinland in North America.

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Pottery drinking horn souvenir featuring a bearded Viking with a horned helmet and the label 'Iceland'.

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Fridge magnets with a dragon-prowed Viking ship, brightly coloured shields and warriors with horned helmets. Found in a souvenir shop in Iceland.

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Fridge magnets featuring a Viking warrior with sword, beard and horned helmet, and a shield with the label 'Iceland'. Seen in a souvenir shop in Iceland.

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Glass flagon featuring a cartoon Viking warrior with horned helmet and drinking from a horn. The labels read 'skal' (cheers) and 'Iceland'. Found in a souvenir shop, Iceland.
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