Browse Items (2474 total)

Image of the Nydam Boat found in Nydam Bog in southern Jutland, Denmark and now on display in Gottorf Castle. The boat dates to c. 310-320, and is the earliest ship find in Scandinavia, as well as the earliest example of a clinker-built boat yet…

A silver fibula in the form of a woman with a shield and sword. This has been identified as a Valkyrie, although it may be a shieldmaiden.

A silver gilt Valkyrie or shieldmaiden figure from Tjørnehøj in Denmark.

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Various drawings of Viking ships, including one with a small figure in the rigging, from Viking Age Dublin.

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Breasthook from the bow of a boat or ship from excavations in Fishamble Street in Dublin. Dated between the tenth and twelfth century.

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A parrel of oak which was used to help hold the yard to the mast and aid with lowering and raising the sail. Used on a medium sized ship. From Wood Quay excavations.

The reconstructed Viking ship 'Sea Stallion from Glendalough' in good wind and medium swell in the Kattegat, July 2015. For more information see…

Finds from a vǫlva's grave in Köpingsvik, Öland. There is an 82 cm long wand of iron with bronze details and a unique model of a house on the top. There is also a pitcher from Persia or Central Asia, and a West European bronze bowl. Dressed in a…

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The well-preserved viking ship Skuldelev 3, a small cargo vessel dating to c. 1040 and probably used for trade and transport in Danish waters and the Baltic. It is on permanent display in the Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, and was reconstructed as…

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Dragon Harald Fairhair. May 2011 Working with 17th strake. The ship, an imaginative reconstruction of a large ocean-going ship based on saga accounts, rather than following the model of a ship find. It was built in Hagesund, Norway, between 2010 and…

The ship, an imaginative reconstruction of a large ocean-going ship based on saga accounts, rather than following the model of a ship find. It was built in Hagesund, Norway, between 2010 and 2012 and funded by Sigurd Aase. It recently completed a…

The logo of 'Friends of the Viking Ship' which aims to "to facilitate the preservation of the 1893 Viking Ship as an important artifact from the Columbian Exposition, and to advocate its public display in a permanent museum setting with adequate…

Documentary about the replica of the Gokstad ship that crossed the Atlantic in the late nineteenth century. For more information, see

From Laxdæla Saga: "Guðrún was dressed in a kirtle of rám-stuff, and a tight-fitting woven bodice, a high bent coif on her head, and she had tied a scarf round her with dark-blue stripes, and fringed at the ends. Helgi Harðbeinsson went up to…
'A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart.'

▼ CAST ▼
Zeus: Nice Peter

Thor: EpicLLOYD

▼ CREW ▼

Well-known bronze pin with ornamentation in a form of a snake (or dragon) head.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

Bronze Urnes-style brooch with an ornament in a form of a snake (or a dragon).

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

This 'plaque', in a form of a dragon- snake-head, has been cast of bronze. Probably it was a part of a bigger find.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

Miniature boat (maybe toy?) has been made of alder wood.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

Perfume named for 'the mythical Viking story about Thor and Odin. Not just for superheroes, we loved that it is also known as wisdom or the name for a goddess of wisdom.'

The brand trades on the name of the Eddic poem Völuspá.
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