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Decorated Pieces of Wood from the Oseberg Burial
Small pieces of wood with carved decoration. Their function is unknown.
Chair and Shoes from the Oseberg Burial
A wooden chair made of beech, and shoes of soft leather. The illustration beside the chair depicts the traces of paint that remained on the chair.
Lid from a Box found in the Oseberg Burial
The wooden lid of a box with a lock made of horn or whale baleen. At the back of the photograph is a handle from a box.
Handle found in the Oseberg Burial
A handle with zoomorphic designs.
Chest from the Oseberg Burial
This chest had been broken into by grave robbers. When found, it still contained two combs, and pieces of leather and cloth.
Part of a Box from the Oseberg Burial
Part of a box found in the hole dug by the grave robbers. In the foreground of the photograph is a clasp from a box.
Combs from the Oseberg Burial
Combs made from horn.
Gilt Bronze Mounts from the Gokstad Burial
A selection of gilt bronze mounts from the Gokstad burial.
Bucket with Brass Hoops and Handles from the Gokstad Burial
A small bucket with brass hoops and handles. It is made of yew.
Bucket with 'Buddha' Image from the Gokstad Burial
A bucket made of yew, with brass hoops and 'Buddha'-like figures of enamel and brass.
Bucket with Brass Fittings from the Gokstad Burial
A bucket made of yew. It has brass fittings, and iron hoops and handle rings. When found it contained wild apples.
Bedposts from the Gokstad Burial
Bedposts made of oak with a carved horse design.
Candlesticks from the Gokstad Burial
Possible wooden candlesticks. Their actual function is uncertain but it is thought that they were made to hold candles.
Hunting Knapsack from the Gokstad Ship
The wooden top and bottom of a hunting knapsack. The fabric body has not survived. The lid has a horse carved into it.
Wooden Gaming Board from the Gokstad Burial
Part of a wooden gaming board for playing tafl. One piece is displayed on it to indicate its function. In the foreground is the remains of a cup and a wooden dish.
Wooden Cup and a Dish from the Gokstad Burial
Remains of a wooden cup, and a possible wooden dish with part of a gaming board visible top left.
Adze, Auger and Tethering Pegs from the Gokstad Burial
An adze (left), a spoon-shaped auger with a looped handle (centre) and some wooden tethering pegs.
Remnants of a Box from the Gokstad Burial
Part of a wooden box.
Tent Pegs from the Gokstad Burial
These are thought to be tent pegs.
Part of a Bailer from the Gokstad Burial
A decorated wooden fragment that may have been part of a bailer.