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A replica of Rune stone Gs 19 which was destroyed in a fire in the adjacentOkelbo Kyrka,Gästriklands, Sweden. It isone of the so-called Sigurd Stones, which depict scenes from the legend of the Völsungs. It also includes a unique depiction…

Rune mead from Vinperlen, advertised with the same Viking as appears on their mead vinegar. The Viking has plaited hair and beard and horns on his helmet.

"Royal Danish Theatre and Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus 2017 will present Red Serpent – a spectacular outdoor performance of a captivating tale of a hero from the Viking Age. The show is one of four MEGA events in the Capital of Culture year and will be…

Two rowlocks from Gokstad carved with a mask. They date to the ninth century.

Two crew members rowing as part of a team of 30 on board Havhingsten. Note the removal of deck planks to allow for a more efficient rowing position. For more information see…

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From the website: 'The aim of this research project is thus to assess the extent to which the round shield can illuminate Viking Age martial practices. More specifically, the research employs a practice approach towards understanding Viking Age…

The round 'Kirk' at Orphir was built in the late eleventh or early twelfth century, possibly by Earl Hakon. It was dedicated to Saint Nicholas and its round style is based on the Ecclesia Sancti Sepulchri in Jerusalem: a fashion probably brought home…

Round brooch in the collections of the MAA, Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this artefact forthcoming.

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The Viking Ship Museum at Roskilde, Denmark, houses a collection of Viking Age ships as well as offering the opportunity to see and sail reconstructions.

Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…
Viking enthusiasts donned ferocious warrior outfits, storming the banks of Catoira as part of the "Romeria Vikinga" festival. The mass reenactment is based on the attack on the village by a Viking tribe, with participants using a replica of a Viking…

Rognvald Kali Kolsson (d. 1158), also known as Rognvald the Crusader, is one of the most important and colourful Earls of Orkney, and his exploits are depicted in Orkneyinga saga. He invaded Orkney in 1135, and promoted the cult of St Magnus with the…

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Rognvald Eysteinsson was jarl of Møre in Norway, and was offered the earldom of Orkney after its conquest by Harald fairhair, though he declined in favour of his brother Sigurd. For more information on the window, see…

Rögnvald Brusason shared the Earldom of Orkney with Thorfinn Sigurdsson from c. 1037 until his death in conflict with Thorfinn in 1046, and his eventful life is recorded in some detail in Orkneyinga saga. More information about the Oriel Window can…

Stamford Bridge's Viking past is commemorated in the local road signs, such as this one for Viking Road

A boat with a rune-like script for its name. Ringhorne is the modern Norwegian version of Hringhorni, the name of Balder's ship. Hringhorni was supposed to be the largest ship in Asgard.

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A selection of ringed pins of the ninth, tenth and eleventh century held in the Hunt Museum Collections.

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Ring-money from an unknown location in Shetland (donated by Lerwick Town Council) and replica of ring-money from Dunrossness on display in the National Museum of Scotland.

A riding whip found in the Oseberg burial with iron hoof nails in the foreground. The iron nails would have been used in the winter to give the horse better grip in icy conditions.
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