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A Chest from the Oseberg Ship Burial
A simple wooden chest in Vikingskipshuset. This chest would originally have held a sailor's possessions as well as being their seat while rowing. This chest contained grain and wild apples when it was found.
Sleds from the Oseberg Ship Burial
The Oseberg ship burial include four sleds or sleighs, all decorated with wooden carving. When they were found, traces of red, reddish brown, black, yellow, and grey white paint were found on some of the artefacts, and the sleds were among the most…
Hoe from the Oseberg Ship Burial
A wooden hoe that was buried with the Oseberg ship burial.
Tethering Pegs
Wooden tethering pegs from the Oseberg ship burial
Sled Pole
A decorated sled pole made of beech wood.
Handle for One of the Animal Head Posts
This handle fits into the slot on the head posts and would have enabled a person to carry it as part of a ceremony.
Carved Heads from Tent Frames
These carved wooden heads were once part of a tent frame.
Sheet Block from the Oseberg Ship
Sheet block for the sail on the Oseberg ship.
Original Carved Pieces of the Stem of the Oseberg Ship
These carved pieces are original elements of the stem of the Oseberg ship, showing how highly decorated it was and how well preserved the woodwork was.
Pieces of Rope from the Oseberg Ship
These photographs show pieces of rope from the Oseberg ship, some with wooden ties still attached.
Young Vikings in Horned Helmets
A pair of young Vikings in horned helmets sitting together on a log.
Tags: Horned Helmets, Modern, Reception, Souvenirs
Runic Bone Pendants and Wooden Plaque
A set of runic bone pendants displayed on a wooden plaque that appears to be modeled on one in the National Museum of Ireland.
Tags: Long Branch, Modern, Plaques, Runes / Runer, Viking Age, Vikingatida, Vikingtiden, Wood, Younger Futhark
Yggdrasill Shopping Bag
A World-Tree shopping bag featuring a stylised image of Yggdrasill.
Tags: Modern, Reception, Souvenirs, World-Tree, Yggdrasill
Pewter Viking Figurines
Pewter Viking figurines from Vikingskipshuset in Norway. They have horned helmets and a full range of weapons.
Tags: Figurines, Horned Helmets, Modern, Reception, Souvenirs
Viking Birthday Calendar
A calendar illustrated with images of Viking Age artefacts, including the Oseberg ship.
Tags: Calendar, Reception, Souvenirs, Vikingskipshuset
Njord Soap
Even soap gets the Norse god treatment! Njord was the Norse god of the sea, who was chosen as husband by Skadi. She was only allowed to view the feet of the gods when making her choice, and she thought that she was picking Baldr, when in fact it was…