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Institutet för språk og folkminnen has Lena Peterson's Nordiskt Runnamnslexikon available for pdf download or to buy as a physical book. The book is a dictionary of personal names found in runic inscriptions.
In dieser Sendung besuchen wir das grösste Vikingsmuseum in Norwegen: Lofotr. Dieses befindet sich auf den Lofoten bei Borg.

A Swiss video about visiting the Viking Museum at Lofoten.


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Short summary about the Viking Age in Norway with links to further articles

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Supplementary resources for the book Norges Historie: en innføring

Logo of Norrøna: a Norwegian brand of outdoor clothing , from 1929. The logo may be based on the skiiers in the famous painting 'Birkebeinerne på Ski over Fjeldet med Kongsbarnet' (item #2843)

Norrøna uses a logo of a Viking's head that immediately reminds of Knud Bergslien's painting 'Birkebeinerne'. The head is positioned as if the Viking is skiing downhill, representing the outdoor activities focus of the shop.

Norse Corp describes itself as "the world's largest dedicated threat intelligence network". The link to the Vikings and the use of a bind-rune as a logo may be linked to the company ethos: "We believe in taking the hits so our customers don’t have…

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A humorous pin-up calendar featuring the Norse gods.

Super Scribblenauts is a Nintendo DS game that uses words to solve puzzles. At the start of the game you can write ala Scribble anything and if it is recognised it will appear. This is a screenshot of Valhalla, Hugin, Mugin, Viking, Valkyrie, Odin,…

Promotional Video by Visit Greenland including re-enactors at Brattahlíð

The wikipedia page for Norse mythology in popular culture lists a wide variety of media that include elements of or are about Norse mythology.

A Norse raven flag seen at English Heritage's Festival of History 2010 in the Viking Camp.

A Norse settlement at Unst is recorded in Canmore. The website includes photographs of the site and some detail about it. Finds from the site include a Viking Age comb and axe.

A mug labeled Irish Vikings with images of longships, a Viking, and no less than three horned helmets.

Ale brewed by Orkney Brewery, for a Shetland Market. Launched at the Up Helly Aa in Lerwick. 'Brewed in honour of our brave Northern men.'

Viking Dad
Norstead Viking Village is a living history museum near L'Anse-aux-Meadows.

Photo of Northlink Ferries in Lerwick, Shetland. Their logo features a pointing Viking with flowing hair and a horned helmet. Northlink operates between Scotland and the Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland.
A band of Vikings cross enemy lines and a panicked race begins. The losers will pay with their lives.

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Northmen - A Viking Saga Official International Trailer 1…

A lesson plan using the film 'Northmen: A Viking Saga' as the basis for a series of lessons and exercises about the Vikings.

Norway themed mugs with Viking ships and mountains on them. Seen at Vikingskipshuset.
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