The Hørning stone (DR 58) was carved by an emancipated slave in honour of his master. The inscription reads: tuki : smiþr : riþ : stin : ift ¶ þurkisl : kuþmutaR : sun : is : hanum ¶ kaf : kul : uk :…
The ship, an imaginative reconstruction of a large ocean-going ship based on saga accounts, rather than following the model of a ship find. It was built in Hagesund, Norway, between 2010 and 2012 and funded by Sigurd Aase. It recently completed a…
Photographs of the interior of the reconstructed Viking longhouse at Brattahlid (Norse Brattahlíð) in Greenland. The photographs show a number of reconstructions of everyday items. These include an upright loom, a drum, shoes, and clothes.
Thjodhild (Þjóðhild) had a church built in the Viking settlement of Brattahlíð (Qassiarsuk), Greenland. The reconstruction shows how the interior might have looked. It is small and would not have accommodated many people.
Remains of the Viking Age church at Brattahlid (Brattahlíð). Thjodhild (Þjóðhild), Eirik the Red's wife, had the church built when she converted to Christianity. Areconstruction of the churchstands on the hillside…
Thjodhild (Þjóðhild) stands on the low wall surrounding the reconstructed Viking Age church at the Viking settlement of Brattahlíð (Qassiarsuk), Greenland. This was the settlement where Erik the Red lived. Although he was a pagan, his wife…
History of Cork Art Mural in Grattan Street Carpark, painted by pupils from Cork Educate Together National School (Installation by O’Shea Builders Ltd & PJ Hegarty & Sons Ltd, sponsored by KBC Bank.)
Bar named after the Vikings in this small town in A Coruña, near Santiago de Compostela. The Vikings did reach this part of Galicia, first raiding the coast in the mid ninth century, but the connection to the Vikings in this specific town is not…